Thirteenth meeting of the GCF Board (B.13)

Sondgo, Incheon, Republic of Korea
28 - 30 June 2016

  • Date 28 - 30 June 2016
  • Location Sondgo, Incheon, Republic of Korea
Type Title Ref # PDF
Meeting report
Report of the thirteenth meeting of the Board, 28-30 June 2016 GCF/B.13/33
Compendium of decisions
Decisions of the Board – thirteenth meeting of the Board, 28-30 June 2016 GCF/B.13/32/Rev.01
Agenda GCF/B.13/01
Action item
Matters related to the Work Plan of the Board 2016: Proposal from the Co-Chairs GCF/B.13/02
Action item
Fifth Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change GCF/B.13/04
Action item
Adaptation planning processes GCF/B.13/05
Action item
The GCF and the Paris Agreement GCF/B.13/06
Action item
Relationship with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change thematic bodies GCF/B.13/07
Action item
Complementarity and coherence with other funds GCF/B.13/08
Action item
Strategy on accreditation GCF/B.13/12
Action item
Simplified processes for approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small-scale activities: Recommendations from the Co-Chairs GCF/B.13/13/Rev.01
Action item
Operational guidelines for the Project Preparation Facility GCF/B.13/14
Action item
Establishing a programmatic framework for engaging with micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises GCF/B.13/15
Action item
Consideration of funding proposals GCF/B.13/16/Rev.01
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP009 GCF/B.13/16/Add.01
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP010 GCF/B.13/16/Add.02
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP011 GCF/B.13/16/Add.03
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP012 GCF/B.13/16/Add.04
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP013 GCF/B.13/16/Add.05
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP014 GCF/B.13/16/Add.06
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP015 GCF/B.13/16/Add.07
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP016 GCF/B.13/16/Add.08
Action item
Funding proposal package for FP017 GCF/B.13/16/ADD.09
Action item
Consideration of funding proposals - Independent Technical Advisory Panel’s assessment GCF/B.13/16/Add.12/Rev.01
Action item
Interim Procedures for Redress: Reconsideration of Funding Decisions GCF/B.13/17
Action item
Programmatic approach to funding proposals GCF/B.13/18
Action item
Status of staffing of the Secretariat – a progress report GCF/B.13/20
Action item
Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for other Board appointed officials and active observers GCF/B.13/21
Action item
Audited financial statements of the Green Climate Fund for the year ended 31 December 2015 GCF/B.13/22
Action item
Consideration of accreditation proposals GCF/B.13/23
Action item
Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme GCF/B.13/24
Action item
Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme – Addendum GCF/B.13/24/Add.01
Action item
Further development of some indicators in the performance measurement frameworks GCF/B.13/26
Action item
Interim risk and investment guidelines: Risk Management Committee Proposal GCF/B.13/27/Rev.02
Action item
Administrative Tribunal of the Green Climate Fund (Status Update) GCF/B.13/28
Action item
Report on the proposed revision of the risk register GCF/B.13/29
Action item
Date and venue of the following meeting of the Board GCF/B.13/31
Report on activities of the Co-Chairs GCF/B.13/Inf.01
Annotations to the provisional agenda GCF/B.13/Inf.02
Reports from committees, panels and groups of the Board of the Green Climate Fund GCF/B.13/Inf.03
Reports from committees, panels and groups of the Board of the Green Climate Fund GCF/B.13/Inf.03/Add.01
Reports from committees, panels and groups of the Board of the Green Climate Fund GCF/B.13/Inf.03/Add.02
Decisions taken between the twelfth and thirteenth meetings of the Board GCF/B.13/Inf.04
Revised report on the activities of the Secretariat GCF/B.13/Inf.05/Rev.01
Status of the Initial Resource Mobilization process GCF/B.13/Inf.06
Report on the execution of the 2016 administrative budget of the Green Climate Fund at 30 April 2016 GCF/B.13/Inf.08
Status of the Fund’s portfolio: pipeline and approved projects GCF/B.13/Inf.10
Meeting agenda
Item Title
1. Opening of the meeting
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work
3. Adoption of the report of the twelfth meeting of the Board
4. Decisions taken between the twelfth and thirteenth meetings of the Board
5. Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs
5.a. Update on the revised 2016 Work Plan
5.b. Update on the Co-Chairs’ consultations
6. Report on the activities of the Secretariat
6.a. Update on the implementation of the Strategic Plan for the Green Climate Fund
7. Reports from committees, panels and groups
7.a. Ethics and Audit Committee
7.b. Risk Management Committee
7.c. Investment Committee
7.d. Budget Committee
7.e. Private Sector Advisory Group
7.f. Appointments Committee
7.g. Accreditation Panel
7.h. Accreditation Committee
7.i. Independent Technical Advisory Panel
8. Matters related to guidance from the Conference of the Parties
8.a. Fifth report to the Conference of the Parties
8.b. Adaptation planning processes
8.c. The GCF and the Paris Agreement
8.d. Relationship with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change thematic bodies
8.e. Complementarity and coherence with other Funds
9. The selection process to appoint the Executive Director
10. Appointment of the Heads of the independent Accountability Units
10.a. Appointment of the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism
10.b. Appointment of the Head of the Independent Evaluation Unit
10.c. Appointment of the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit
11. Strategy on accreditation
12. Funding proposals
12.a. Update on the status of the Fund’s pipeline
12.b. Simplified procedure for small-scale activities and certain activities
12.c. Project Preparation Facility
12.d. Requests for Proposals
12.e. Funding proposals
12.f. Matters related to the interim redress procedures
12.g. Programmatic approach for funding proposals
13. Communications of the Fund
14. Status of staffing of the Secretariat
15. Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for other Board appointed officials and active observers
16. Status of the initial resource mobilization process
17. Consideration of accreditation proposals
18. Accreditation Master Agreements
19. Country programming, readiness and preparatory support
19.a. Readiness and preparatory support
19.b. Country ownership guidelines
20. Further development of some indicators in the performance measurement framework
21. Risk and investment policies
21.a. Report on the proposed revision of the risk register
21.b. Interim risk and investment guidelines
22. Administrative matters
22.a. Status of the GCF Administrative Tribunal
22.b. Report on the execution of the administrative budget for 2016
22.c. Annual report and audited financial statements for 2015
23. Date of the following meeting of the Board
24. Other matters
25. Report of the meeting
26. Close of the meeting

The Board:

  1. Decides to defer the review of the independent technical advisory panel to take place in 2017;
  2. Requests the Co-Chairs, in consultation with the Investment Committee, to include this matter in the Work Plan of the Board for 2017; and
  3. Requests the Investment Committee to provide the draft terms of reference of the review for consideration by the Board as appropriate.

The Board:

Decides to defer the consideration of indicative minimum benchmarks to no later than its seventeenth session.

The Board:

  1. Decides to defer the independent evaluation of the Fund’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme to 2017;
  2. Decides that the independent evaluation of the Fund’s Readiness and Preparatory Support Proramme will be included in the Work Plan of the Board for 2017; and
  3. Requests the Secretariat to provide the draft terms of reference of the evaluation for consideration by the Board at its first meeting in 2017.

The Board:

Decides to defer the consideration of the pilot programme on mobilizing resources at scale to its fourteenth session.

The Board:

  1. Requests the Co-Chairs to consult with the Board, with a view to presenting for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth session a proposal related to identifying opportunities for the GCF to add value by co-financing projects and programmes together with the Global Environment Facility, the Adaptation Fund or Multilateral Development Banks.
  2. Requests the Co-Chairs, with the support of the Secretariat, to summarize the outcome of their consultations and to propose a draft decision in a written report to be transmitted to the Board in line with the Rules of Procedure of the Board no later than its fourteenth session;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to undertake an analysis of barriers to crowding-in and maximizing the engagement of the private sector to present to the Board no later than its fifteenth session, and requests the Private Sector Advisory Group to present recommendations for consideration by the Board no later than its sixteenth session; and
  4. Further requests the Private Sector Advisory Group to present recommendation on the development of a private sector outreach plan no later than its seventeenth session.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/Inf.03/Add/04 titled “Appointment of representatives to the Private Sector Advisory Group”:

  1. Appoints Mr. Gerry Lemcke as private sector representative from developed countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group;
  2. Also appoints Mr. Aaron Leopold as civil society representative from developed countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group; and
  3. Notes that the prospective candidates have been informed of the Fund’s policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for external members of the Green Climate Fund panels and groups, and that they will be bound by the policy upon the endorsement under paragraph (a) and (b) above.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/Inf.03/Add/04 titled “Appointment of representatives to the Private Sector Advisory Group”:

  1. Appoints Mr. Gerry Lemcke as private sector representative from developed countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group;
  2. Also appoints Mr. Aaron Leopold as civil society representative from developed countries to the Private Sector Advisory Group; and
  3. Notes that the prospective candidates have been informed of the Fund’s policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for external members of the Green Climate Fund panels and groups, and that they will be bound by the policy upon the endorsement under paragraph (a) and (b) above.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/Inf.03/Add.02 titled “Report from committees, panels and groups of the Board of the Green Climate Fund”:

  1. Endorses the nomination by the Accreditation Committee of the following expert to the Accreditation Panel for one term of three years in accordance with the terms of reference in decision B.07/02, paragraph (h):
    1. Mr. Godfrey Tumusiime.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/Inf.03/Add.02 titled “Report from committees, panels and groups of the Board of the Green Climate Fund”:

  1. Endorses the nomination by the Accreditation Committee of the following expert to the Accreditation Panel for one term of three years in accordance with the terms of reference in decision B.07/02, paragraph (h):
    1. Mr. Godfrey Tumusiime.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/04 titled “Fifth report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change”:

  1. Requests the Co‐Chairs, assisted by the Secretariat, to finalize the “Fifth report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” (hereinafter referred to as the fifth report), presented in annex I, taking into consideration the comments made and decisions taken at the thirteenth meeting of the Board, and submit the revised report to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat, no later than 12 weeks prior to the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, in accordance with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 7/CP.20, paragraph 23; and
  2. Also requests the Co-Chairs, assisted by the Secretariat, to issue and submit to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat an addendum to the fifth report after the fourteenth meeting of the Board and before the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/05 titled “Adaptation planning processes”:

  1. Decides to expedite support for developing countries for the formulation of national adaptation plans, on the basis of the paragraphs below and consistent with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decisions 1/CP.16, 5/CP.17 and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change decision 1/CP.21, paragraph 46, and for the subsequent implementation of projects, policies and programmes identified by them;
  2. Recalls the decision B.06/06 aim for a 50:50 balance between mitigation and adaption over time on a grant equivalent basis; and also recalls paragraph 40 of the Governing Instrument for the GCF that states that the GCF will provide resources for readiness and preparatory activities, including for national adaptation plans; and that paragraph 36 of the Governing Instrument states that the GCF will support developing countries in pursuing project-based and programmatic approaches in accordance with climate change strategies and plans, such as national adaptation plans;
  3. Invites national designated authorities and focal points to collaborate with readiness delivery partners and accredited entities, as appropriate, in order to submit requests for support to formulate their respective national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes;
  4. Also invites accredited entities to collaborate with respective developing countries in preparing project and programme concept notes, funding proposals, and Project Preparation Facility requests, in order to implement adaptation actions identified in national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes, as appropriate;
  5. Decides that, given the urgent need to support and expedite the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans and other adaptation planning processes, the Executive Director can approve up to USD 3 million per country through the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme modalities, in order to support the formulation of national adaptation plans and/or other national adaptation planning processes based on his/her assessment of country circumstances and needs, and taking into consideration the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change national adaptation plan technical guidelines and the importance of coordination and complementarity with other national adaptation plan related initiatives and support;
  6. Also decides that support for the formulation of national adaptation plans or other adaptation planning processes should be established as a separate activity area of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, specifically for the formulation of national adaptation plans and/or other national adaptation planning processes, and that funding for this new activity area is additional to the existing USD 1 million cap per country per year under the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (see decision B.13/27);
  7. Recognizes that accredited entities can bring forward programmatic approaches for the formulation of multi-country national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes under the project approval process, for countries not already in receipt of funding under the activities outlined in paragraph (e) above;
  8. Requests the Secretariat to revise the existing Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme templates and processes for the purposes set out in paragraphs (d)–(f) above;
  9. Takes note of the importance of the GCF in supporting the formulation and implementation of adaptation planning processes and the implementation of actions under the Paris Agreement once it enters into force, in particular in relation to Article 7, paragraph 9, of the Paris Agreement;
  10. Requests the Secretariat to continue to engage with the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group in improving access to financial support for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans and/or national adaptation plans; and
  11. Decides to review the progress of expediting support for developing countries for the formulation of national adaptation plans and/or other adaptation planning processes and requests the secretariat to present its findings in its report to the Board on the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, including any recommendations for further action.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/06 titled “The GCF and the Paris Agreement”:

  1. Agrees that current GCF modalities enable support for the preparation and implementation of the nationally determined contributions and adaptation-related elements of the Paris Agreement;
  2. Urges national designated authorities/focal points to work with accredited entities to consider how their national climate priorities can be submitted as concrete proposals, including under the Project Preparation Facility;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to compile an information document, based on the submission of country work programmes in accordance with annex VII to decision B.07/03 (annex VII to document GCF/B.07/11), and accredited entity work programmes, in accordance with the GCF strategic plan, for the Board at its fifteenth meeting;
  4. Reiterates decision B.12/20 to regularly update the core operational priorities of the GCF as defined in the strategic plan and Secretariat work programmes, as appropriate, taking into account evolving priorities, including, inter alia, guidance from the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and/or guidance from the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement once the Paris Agreement enters into force, and relevant reports from the independent Evaluation Unit;
  5. Decides to consider in its future work-plans, how to support actions related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, taking into account the business model of the GCF, its strategic impact areas, and guidance from the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and/or the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement once the Paris Agreement enters into force; and
  6. Notes that guidance, rules, modalities and procedures that are to be developed to implement the Paris Agreement may require later consideration by the Board, in line with guidance received from the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and/or the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement once the Paris Agreement enters into force.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/07 titled “Relationship with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change thematic bodies”:

  1. Decides to hold an annual meeting, in accordance with paragraph 70 of the Governing Instrument for the GCF, in order to enhance cooperation and coherence of engagement between the GCF and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change thematic bodies;
  2. Also decides that the meeting will be chaired by the Co-Chairs of the GCF Board and organized by the Secretariat on an annual basis to be held in conjunction with the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;
  3. Further decides that the meeting will include the Chairs of the various thematic bodies, and the Chairs of the subsidiary bodies, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Presidency, and will be open to all members of the GCF Board and the thematic bodies;
  4. Requests the GCF Co-Chairs to propose the agenda for each meeting, in consultation with the GCF Board and the Co-Chairs of the thematic bodies;
  5. Decides that the outcome of the meeting shall be a written report to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change included in the annual report to the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to strengthen its current approach to engaging with thematic bodies, including through:
    1. Exchanging relevant information;
    2. Participating in relevant meetings of the thematic bodies, including technical workshops and other relevant events;
    3. Identifying components of the programmes and work-plans of the thematic bodies that are related to the GCF, and, where appropriate, updating the work programme of the Secretariat to improve coordination; and
    4. Reporting the outcome of the Secretariat’s engagement with the thematic bodies to the Board in the report on the activities of the Secretariat; and
  7. Decides, in accordance with paragraph 38 of the Rules of Procedures of the Board, to invite:
    1. The Chair of the Technology Executive Committee and the Chair of the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to present to the Board during its consideration of technology matters at the fourteenth meeting of the Board; and
    2. A representative of the Executive Board of the United Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries to present to the Board at the fourteenth meeting of the Board during its consideration of matters related to operationalizing REDD-plus.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/08 titled “Complementarity and coherence with other funds”,

  1. Decides to prepare, with the support of the Secretariat, an operational framework on complementarity and coherence to be considered by the Board at its fifteenth meeting, and as a basis for the cooperation of the Board with the Standing Committee on Finance;
  2. Reaffirms that the following key elements shall form part of the operational framework, in accordance with the Governing Instrument for the GCF:
    1. Board-level discussions on fund-to-fund arrangements;
    2. Enhanced complementarity at the activity level;
    3. Promotion of coherence at the national programming level; and
    4. Complementarity at the level of delivery of climate finance through an established dialogue;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to prepare a document presenting options for the operationalization of the key elements outlined in paragraph (b) above, and to present it for consideration by the Board at its seventeenth meeting; and
  4. Also requests the Co-Chairs of the Board, with the support of the Secretariat, to initiate an annual dialogue with climate finance delivery channels, commencing at, and in conjunction with, the fifteenth meeting of the Board, and thereafter annually and in conjunction with a Board meeting to be held at GCF Headquarters in Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea, with other funds in order to enhance complementarity at the activity level.

Three limited distribution decisions were adopted under this agenda item:

  1. DECISION B.13/13 and DECISION B.13/14 on the appointment of the interim Executive Director of the Secretariat; and
  2. DECISION B.13/15 on the search process for the appointment of the Executive Director of the Secretariat.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/25 (limited distribution) titled “Contractual arrangements for the Heads of the Accountability Units”:

  1. Notes the appointment of the heads of the independent Redress Mechanism, the independent Evaluation Unit and the independent Integrity Unit (Accountability Units);
  2. Authorizes the Co-Chairs to negotiate and sign, on behalf of the GCF, for up to 45 days, the contracts between each of the Heads of the Accountability Units and the GCF;
  3. Requests the Co-Chairs to develop the performance criteria and evaluation procedure for approval by the Board via a decision between meetings before the fourteenth meeting of the Board in accordance with decision B.10/05, paragraphs (i) and (j); and
  4. Expresses its appreciation for the work of the Appointment Committee, the Ethics and Audit Committee, and the Secretariat in the selection of the Heads of the Accountability Units.

A limited distribution decision was adopted under this agenda sub-item:

  1. DECISION B.13/17 on the appointment of the Head of the Independent Evaluation Unit.

A limited distribution decision was adopted under this agenda sub-item:

  1. DECISION B.13/18 on the appointment of the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/12 titled “Strategy on accreditation”:

  1. Takes note of the work of the Accreditation Committee on document GCF/B.13/12; and
  2. Requests the Accreditation Committee to take into consideration feedback received at the thirteenth meeting of the Board and to continue to revise document GCF/B.13/12 for presentation at the fourteenth meeting of the Board.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/13/Rev.01 titled “Simplified processes for approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small-scale activities: recommendations from the Co-Chairs”,

  1. Takes note of the convergence and matters raised during the consultations undertaken by the Co-Chairs;
  2. Decides that a simplified process for small-scale activities will apply to both micro-scale and small-scale funding proposals that are assessed to fall under the low/no risk Category C/Intermediation 3;
  3. Also decides that the simplified process will apply to proposals from all accredited entities, including subnational, national, regional and international entities, especially direct access entities;
  4. Further decides that the simplified process will include a revised full funding proposal template for micro- and small-scale activities, and the Board’s agreement on simplifying the level of detail required in terms of feasibility studies and other supporting documentation for these proposals;
  5. Decides that the simplified process will operate in accordance with GCF policies;
  6. Also decides to review the simplified process following the completion of the Initial Resource Mobilization period, based on experience gained and lessons learned;
  7. Further decides that in the context of overall budget and staffing decisions, adequate support will be allocated within the Secretariat for the consideration and implementation of the simplified processes for the approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular for small-scale activities, and requests the Budget Committee to provide guidance to the Secretariat on this matter; and
  8. Requests the Secretariat to present to the Board, for consideration and approval at its fourteenth meeting, guidelines on the simplified processes for the approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small-scale activities, taking into account the views expressed in the Co-Chairs' consultations related to:
    1. The proportion of GCF contribution to the total project size;
    2. The level of details required for full proposal development; and
    3. The addressing of project risks.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/14 titled “Operational guidelines for the Project Preparation Facility”:

  1. Recalls decision B.11/11, paragraph (l), and decision B.12/25;
  2. Decides that the Project Preparation Facility will support project and programme preparation requests from all accredited entities, especially direct access entities, especially for projects in the micro-to-small size category in accordance with decision B.10/17, with a view to enhancing the balance and diversity of the project pipeline;
  3. Also decides that the Project Preparation Facility will support the following activities:
    1. Pre-feasibility and feasibility studies, and project design;
    2. Environmental, social and gender studies;
    3. Risk assessments;
    4. Identification of programme- and project-level indicators;
    5. Pre-contract services, including the revision of tender documents;
    6. Advisory services and/or other services to financially structure a proposed activity; and
    7. Other project preparation activities, where necessary, and with sufficient justification;
  4. Further decides the following operating modalities:
    1. The Secretariat will develop a Project Preparation Facility request template by also modifying the concept note template to request information on the underlying project/programme;
    2. Project Preparation Facility requests will be developed by accredited entities in consultation with the national designated authorities or focal points and with support from the Secretariat;
    3. Project Preparation Facility requests will be submitted by accredited entities in conjunction with a no-objection letter consistent with the initial no-objection procedure approved by decision B.08/10;
    4. For the initial phase, the Board authorizes the Executive Director to approve the Project Preparation Facility requests based on an assessment of the request against the investment criteria of the GCF as defined in decision B.07/06, a justification of needs, and consistency with relevant GCF policies taking into consideration paragraph (b) above;
    5. Each approved Project Preparation Facility request will be disclosed on the GCF website upon approval;
    6. An amount of USD 40 million will be made available for the implementation of the initial phase of the Project Preparation Facility;
    7. Support for each Project Preparation Facility request will be provided commensurate with the activities listed in paragraph (c) above in the Project Preparation Facility request and the funding proposal being developed, limited to a maximum amount of USD 1.5 million;
    8. Support for Project Preparation Facility requests will be in the form of grants and repayable grants, and equity may also be considered for private sector projects;
    9. The Secretariat will report at each Board meeting on the pipeline of Project Preparation Facility requests received, approved and under implementation;
    10. The Secretariat will also report on the conversion of concept notes receiving Project Preparation Facility support to funding proposals submitted and approved by the Board;
    11. Funding proposals developed with Project Preparation Facility resources should be submitted to the Board within two years of the approval of a Project Preparation Facility request unless sufficient justification for an extension is provided; and
    12. Sufficient staffing and resources will be provided to the Secretariat to ensure the Project Preparation Facility operates effectively;
  5. Decides that the independent Evaluation Unit will review the implementation of operational guidelines and the effectiveness of the Project Preparation Facility in order to draw lessons learned no later than the end of the initial resource mobilization period; and
  6. Also decides to review funding for the Project Preparation Facility at its seventeenth meeting or once the funds made available through this decision are fully committed, whichever is earlier.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/15 titled “Establishing a programmatic framework for engaging with micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises”,

  1. Recalls decision B.10/17 that established a pilot programme to support micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises of up to USD 200 million;
  2. Endorses the draft request for proposals for the micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprise pilot programme materially in the form set out in annex II;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to issue the request for proposals to solicit responses from accredited entities and potential accredited entities in order to establish and manage the pilot projects/programmes;
  4. Decides to limit participation of the GCF in the first pilot programme to USD 100 million;
  5. Also decides to consider funding proposals that are submitted in response to the request for proposals as part of the wider portfolio of the GCF, and through the same modalities as spontaneous proposals;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to prepare terms of reference for one or more requests for proposals for the remainder of the micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises pilot programme, taking into account lessons learned from this first phase, and to present this for Board consideration; and
  7. Also requests the Secretariat to provide a status update on the progress of the micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprise pilot programme at the fourteenth meeting of the Board.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/16/Rev.01 titled “Consideration of funding proposals”,

  1. Takes note of the following funding proposals:
    1. Funding proposal 009 titled “Energy savings insurance (ESI) for private energy efficiency investments by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)” by the Inter- American Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.01;
    2. Funding proposal 010 titled “De-risking and scaling-up investment in energy efficient building retrofits” by the United Nations Development Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.02;
    3. Funding proposal 011 titled “Large-scale ecosystem-based adaptation in the Gambia: developing a climate-resilient, natural resource-based economy” by the United Nations Environment Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.03;
    4. Funding proposal 012 titled “Africa Hydromet program – strengthening climate resilience in sub-Saharan Africa: Mali country project” by the World Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.04;
    5. Funding proposal 013 titled “Improving the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to climate change related impacts in Viet Nam” by the United Nations Development Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.05;
    6. Funding proposal 014 titled “Project to support the World Bank’s Climate adaptation and mitigation program for the Aral Sea Basin (CAMP4ASB) in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan” by the World Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.06;
    7. Funding proposal 015 titled “Tuvalu coastal adaptation project (TCAP)” by the United Nations Development Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.07;
    8. Funding proposal 016 titled “Strengthening the resilience of smallholder farmers in the dry zone to climate variability and extreme events through an integrated approach to water management” by the United Nations Development Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.08; and
    9. Funding proposal 017 titled “Climate action and solar energy development programme in the Tarapacá Region in Chile” by Corporación Andina de Fomento, as contained in document GCF/B.13/16/Add.09;
  2. Approves funding proposal 009 for the amount of USD 21,700,000, submitted by the Inter- American Development Bank, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions as contained in annex III;
  3. Also approves funding proposal 010 for the amount of USD 20,000,000, submitted by the United Nations Development Programme, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions and with due consideration of the recommendations as contained in annex III;
  4. Further approves funding proposal 011 for the amount of USD 20,546,756, submitted by the United Nations Environment Programme, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions as contained in annex III;
  5. Approves funding proposal 012 for the amount of USD 22,750,000, submitted by the World Bank, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions and with due consideration of recommendations as contained in annex III;
  6. Also approves funding proposal 013 for the amount of USD 29,523,000, submitted by the United Nations Development Programme, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions and with due consideration of the recommendations as contained in annex III;
  7. Further approves funding proposal 014 for the amount of USD 19,000,000, submitted by the World Bank, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions as contained in annex III;
  8. Approves funding proposal 015 for the amount of USD 36,010,000, submitted by the United Nations Development Programme, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions and with due consideration of the recommendations as contained in annex III;
  9. Also approves funding proposal 016 for the amount of USD 38,084,000, submitted by the United Nations Development Programme, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions as contained in annex III;
  10. Further approves funding proposal 017 for the amount of USD 49,000,000, submitted by Corporación Andina de Fomento, contingent on the fulfilment of the conditions and with due consideration of the recommendations as contained in annex III;
  11. Reaffirms that pursuant to annex VII to decision B.07/03 (annex VII to document GCF/B.07/11), the Executive Director or her designee is authorized to negotiate and enter into legal agreements on behalf of the GCF with accredited entities and other parties involved in respect of funding proposals approved by the Board, taking into account any condition set by the Board in this decision and in the decision accrediting the relevant accredited entity; and
  12. Authorizes the Secretariat to disburse fees for each funded project/programme approved by the Board as per the disbursement schedule to be agreed in the funded activity agreement in accordance with the interim policy on fees for accredited entities adopted by the Board pursuant to decision B.11/10.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/17 titled “Interim procedures for redress: reconsideration of funding decisions”,

  1. Adopts the interim procedures for the reconsideration of funding decisions, as set out in annex IV;
  2. Requests the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism to prepare, with the support of the Secretariat, for consideration by the Board no later than its sixteenth meeting, the detailed guidelines and procedures for the independent Redress Mechanism referred to in the terms of reference of the independent Redress Mechanism (decision B.06/09, annex V, para. 14 (document GCF/B.06/18, annex V, para. 14)) in close consultation with similar or equivalent mechanisms of accredited entities and other stakeholders;
  3. Also requests the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism, when preparing such detailed guidelines and procedures:
    1. To consider how the GCF should contribute to the third-party costs and expenses incurred by those who are entitled to seek redress from the GCF and make a recommendation to the Board in this regard, including in respect of the circumstances under which such costs may be claimed and the modalities pursuant to which such costs will be assessed; and
    2. To include, if possible, guidelines on the categories of information that the Head of the Independent Redress Mechanism may reasonably request from those who are entitled to seek redress from the GCF;
  4. Affirms that prior to the full operationalization of the GCF independent Redress Mechanism, grievances and complaints from communities and people should be addressed by the institutional grievance mechanism of the relevant accredited entity; and
  5. Invites the Head of Independent Redress Mechanism, following consultation with relevant stakeholders, to recommend any necessary updates to the terms of reference of the independent Redress Mechanism for the Board’s consideration no later than the fifteenth meeting of the Board.

The Board:

  1. Recognizes the importance of effective communication and outreach in supporting the objectives and guiding principles of the GCF;
  2. Also recognizes the need for strategic, clear and consistent communication and outreach by the Secretariat, including Board-appointed officials, and the Board;
  3. Recalls decision B.04/14, paragraph (c), which requested the Secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, to develop a communications strategy for the consideration of the Board;
  4. Decides that the Secretariat’s capacity for strategic communications and outreach shall be further developed;
  5. Requests the Secretariat as a matter of urgency and in consultation with the Budget Committee, in considering the structure of the Secretariat, to present for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth meeting a proposal on Secretariat staffing for communications and outreach;
  6. Decides to prioritize the development of a GCF communications strategy for presentation to the Board no later than its seventeenth meeting;
  7. Requests the Co-Chairs to oversee communications and outreach, including the development and revision of material until the commencement of the new Executive Director; and
  8. Decides that, until a communications strategy is adopted, the objectives of communications and outreach are:
    1. To provide clear and accessible information on the GCF, in order to prompt the generation of high-quality funding proposals that will trigger clear transformational changes;
    2. To encourage and support all key stakeholders to access and engage with the GCF;
    3. To ensure broad coverage of developing countries so as to highlight how beneficiary countries will benefit from their relationship with the GCF; and
    4. To enhance transparency.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/20 titled “Status of staffing of the Secretariat – a progress report”,

  1. Takes note of the report;
  2. Agrees that the salary scales of the International Staff in the Secretariat shall be updated to align with the salary scales of the Asian Development Bank in 2016;
  3. Also agrees that the salary scales of the Administrative Services staff in the Secretariat shall be updated to align with the salary scale of the World Bank Group Korea Office in 2016;
  4. Requests that future revisions will be based on an annual review of salary scales by the Secretariat that considers elements such as inflation and practices in relevant institutions, including in the Republic of Korea and the region, and subject to Board approval;
  5. Agrees that any budgetary implications resulting from salary adjustments, shall be considered by the Budget Committee in line with its mandate to review and make recommendations on the budget implications of staffing changes, and be referred to the Board for its consideration of the budget;
  6. Authorizes the Secretariat to offer individual salary progression, based on a satisfactory annual review of performance;
  7. Notes section E, paragraph 10(1), of the Administrative guidelines on human resources, which states that: “The Executive Director sets the guidelines for the distribution of salary increases during the first quarter of each year. The guidelines include the levels of authority responsible for making salary increase recommendations for the various levels of staff”; and
  8. Requests the Secretariat, in consultation with the Budget Committee, to present to the Board at its fourteenth meeting, additional measures to strengthen Secretariat capacity.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/21 titled “Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for other Board appointed officials and active observers”,

  1. Adopts the Policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for Board-appointed officials of the Green Climate Fund set out in annex V;
  2. Requests the Ethics and Audit Committee, with the support of the Secretariat, to continue its work on recommended policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for active observers; and
  3. Also requests the Head of the Independent Integrity Unit to develop administrative guidance on the implementation of the GCF policies on ethics and conflicts of interest, including definitions of terms used in the policies, as soon as possible.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/23 titled “Consideration of accreditation proposals”,

  1. Decides to defer the consideration of applicants 034 to 038, as contained in document GCF/B.13/23, until the fourteenth meeting of the Board; and
  2. Requests the Accreditation Committee to present for consideration by the Board at its fourteenth meeting a policy document that addresses the current policy gaps in the accreditation framework, in particular matters related to the types of entities to be accredited to the GCF.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/19 (limited distribution) titled “Accreditation master agreements and funded activity agreements”,

  1. Takes note with appreciation of the progress made by the Executive Director in executing accreditation master agreements;
  2. Notes the progress made by the Secretariat in negotiating changes to the accreditation master agreement template so as to meet the unique circumstances and requirements of specific accredited entities, and notes in particular the specific issues it has highlighted for the Board in document GCF/B.13/19 as potential “substantive changes” from the accreditation master agreement template;
  3. Recognizes the need to conclude the outstanding accreditation master agreements with urgency, and notes the flexibility provided by the Board in decision B.12/31 in that regard, in which it noted that the template accreditation master agreement was a basis for negotiations and provided a process for the resolution and Board approval of “substantive changes” from the template accreditation master agreement with recourse to the Board, where appropriate;
  4. Reiterates the process as set out in decision B.12/31 for addressing substantive changes from the template accreditation master agreement, clarifies that provisions which contradict a Board-approved policy are substantive changes, and further clarifies that other changes that, in the judgment of the Executive Director, materially affect the terms of the template accreditation master agreement are to be addressed through the process set out in such a decision;
  5. Requests that the Secretariat, on behalf of the GCF, conclude pending accreditation master agreements as a matter of urgency, recognizing the potential contribution of each agreement towards approved projects and the functioning of the project pipeline;
  6. Decides, in this regard, that pending agreements for which negotiations are concluded prior to the fourteenth meeting of the Board and for which recourse to the Board is required under decision B.12/31 should be promptly submitted for approval by the Board under the no-objection procedure established for decisions between meetings as set out in paragraphs 41–44 of the Rules of Procedures of the Board;
  7. Urges the Secretariat to consider how to expedite the approval of outstanding accreditation master agreements, and to report to the Board at its fourteenth meeting with any requests for Board action in this regard; and
  8. Also urges all relevant parties to continue to work in good faith taking into consideration Board approved policies to finalize negotiations on outstanding accreditation master agreements.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/19 (limited distribution) titled “Accreditation master agreements and funded activity agreements”,

  1. Decides to approve the amendments from the accreditation master agreement with Acumen Fund, Inc. in respect of the implementation of FP005, as set out in annex VI;
  2. Requests the Executive Director or her designee to conclude negotiations with Acumen Fund, Inc., on the funded activity agreement and its related legal arrangements for the implementation of FP005 and to execute these in such form and substance as she deems appropriate, and expresses its full support for the outcome of the negotiations on the relevant legal arrangements; and
  3. Decides, with reference to decision B.BM-2016/07 (limited distribution), to extend the deadline up to 180 days after the date of effectiveness of the relevant accreditation master agreement or the date of this decision, whichever is later, for entering into the funded activity agreements for the following funding proposals:
    1. FP001 (Profonanpe, Peru);
    2. FP002 (United Nations Development Programme, Malawi);
    3. FP003 (Centre de Suivi Ecologique, Senegal);
    4. FP005 (Acumen Fund, Inc., East Africa); and
    5. FP007 (United Nations Development Programme, Maldives).

The Board also adopted a limited distribution decision under this agenda item:

DECISION B.13/31 on Accreditation Master Agreement.


The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/24 titled “Progress and outlook report of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme”,

  1. Reaffirms the resource allocation framework for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme as contained in decision B.08/11;
  2. Also reaffirms decision B.06/06 on the initial parameters and guidelines for allocating resources during the initial phase of the GCF, that decided that sufficient resources should be provided for readiness and preparatory support activities;
  3. Further reaffirms the important role of the GCF Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme in the development of country programming frameworks;
  4. Welcomes the simplification of the readiness support template and encourages the Secretariat to continue to expedite the approval and disbursement of readiness and preparatory support resources;
  5. Adopts the revised indicative list of activities that can be supported by the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme as contained in annex VII;
  6. Requests the Secretariat to present, in their report to the Board at its fourteenth meeting, analysis of the challenges identified so far in the effective and efficient implementation of the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme, and an assessment of actions taken as well as progress achieved to date on the implementation and outcomes of approved readiness activities;
  7. Notes difficulties that have been encountered in the conclusion of readiness grant agreements;
  8. Agrees to simplify the readiness grant agreement with a view to developing an arrangement for country programme framework agreements in order to expedite the disbursement of readiness resources;
  9. Decides that the terms of the accreditation master agreement template may not be applicable to the readiness programme; and
  10. Amends decision B.12/31, paragraph (h), to add the following sentence: “Paragraph 7(b) of Exhibit A of the accreditation master agreement shall not apply to readiness delivery partners that have immunities under international law”.

The Board,

  1. Decides to defer the issue of country ownership guidelines for consideration at its fourteenth meeting;
  2. Requests the Secretariat to prepare the guidelines on country ownership based on the elements of decision B.10/10, paragraph (c), and to include appropriate elements of the strategic plan into the guidelines related to country ownership; and
  3. Also requests the Secretariat to ensure the guidelines include guidance for the operationalization of all Board decisions related to country ownership.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/26 titled “Further development of some indicators in the performance measurement frameworks”,

Decides to defer consideration of further development of some indicators in the performance measurement frameworks as contained in document GCF/B.13/26 to the fourteenth meeting of the Board.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/29 titled “Report on the proposed revision of the risk register”:

  1. Notes that the Risk Management Committee reviewed the proposed revision of the risk register and concluded that the revision was reasonable; and
  2. Decides that the risk register will be updated as frequently as the Risk Management Committee deems necessary, but no less frequently than once every three years.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/27/Rev.02 titled “Interim risk and investment guidelines: Risk Management Committee proposal”:

  1. Adopts the Interim risk and investment guidelines as contained in annexes VIII and IX. These guidelines will expire the earlier of (i) the sixteenth meeting of the Board, or (ii) at the adoption of an updated set of risk policies and guidelines as determined by decision B.12/34;
  2. Decides that, in case these interim guidelines expire and the Secretariat cannot yet confirm that adequate in-house risk management capacity is in place, the GCF will only be able to participate in a tranche aligned with the accredited entity on all terms and conditions other than pricing and must not be the largest contributor or financier in a tranche or any whole project, in order to mitigate GCF risk exposure;
  3. Reiterates that the GCF intends to be an institution that takes risks that other institutions or funds are not willing or able to take; and
  4. Requests the Secretariat to develop the necessary methodologies and internal procedures, hire a permanent Risk Manager and additional staff to enhance the Secretariat’s risk management capacity as a matter of urgency, and report to the Board, as part of the report on the activities of the Secretariat at each meeting, on the status of this process.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/28 “Administrative Tribunal of the Green Climate Fund (status update)”,

  1. Takes note of the progress made to date with respect to the arrangements for the Administrative Tribunal of the GCF; and
  2. Requests the Secretariat to prepare a document for consideration by the Board as soon as is possible, and no later than at its fifteenth meeting, setting out the options for the Administrative Tribunal of the GCF, which should include an estimate of the related costs.

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/22 titled “Audited financial statements of the Green Climate Fund for the year ended 31 December 2015”,

Approves the financial statements of the GCF for the year ended 31 December 2015 as contained in annex X.

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/31 titled “Date and venue of the following meeting of the Board”,

  1. Affirms that the fourteenth meeting of the Board will take place from Tuesday, 18 October 2016, to Thursday, 20 October 2016;
  2. Decides that the fourteenth meeting of the Board will take place in Quito, Ecuador, as suggested by the host country; and
  3. Requests the Secretariat to continue its consultations with Ecuador with a view to concluding the required legal agreement and to making the necessary arrangements.
Item Title Timestamp File
0. Tribute to inaugural Executive Director Hela Cheikhrouhou 30 Jun 2016
- 09:45
1. Opening of the meeting 28 Jun 2016
- 09:18
2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work 28 Jun 2016
- 09:21
3. Adoption of the report of the twelfth meeting of the Board 28 Jun 2016
- 09:22
4. Decisions taken between the twelfth and thirteenth meetings of the Board 28 Jun 2016
- 09:26
5. Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs 28 Jun 2016
- 09:31
6. Report on the activities of the Secretariat 28 Jun 2016
- 09:39
7. Reports from committees, panels and groups 28 Jun 2016
- 09:49
8.A. Fifth report to the Conference of the Parties 28 Jun 2016
- 11:07
8.B. Adaptation planning processes [part 1] 29 Jun 2016
- 15:49
8.B. Adaptation planning processes [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 19:16
8.C. The GCF and the Paris Agreement 29 Jun 2016
- 16:05
8.D. Relationship with United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change thematic bodies 29 Jun 2016
- 16:16
8.E. Complementarity and coherence with other Funds 29 Jun 2016
- 16:34
9. The selection process to appoint the Executive Director 30 Jun 2016
- 09:59
11. Strategy on accreditation 29 Jun 2016
- 17:36
12.A. Update on the status of the Fund’s Pipeline 28 Jun 2016
- 12:18
12.B. Simplified procedure for small-scale activities and certain activities 30 Jun 2016
- 11:42
12.C. Project Preparation Facility [part 1] 30 Jun 2016
- 10:58
12.C. Project Preparation Facility [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 16:59
12.C. Project Preparation Facility [part 3] 30 Jun 2016
- 18:50
12.E. Consideration of funding proposals 29 Jun 2016
- 14:30
12.F. Matters related to the interim redress procedures [part 1] 28 Jun 2016
- 13:59
12.F. Matters related to the interim redress procedures [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 15:06
12.G. Programmatic approach for funding proposals [part 1] 29 Jun 2016
- 09:15
12.G. Programmatic approach for funding proposals [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 19:50
13. Communications of the Fund [part 1] 30 Jun 2016
- 15:35
13. Communications of the Fund [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 17:18
14. Status of staffing of the Secretariat [part 1] 28 Jun 2016
- 14:37
14. Status of staffing of the Secretariat [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 10:23
15. Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for other Board appointed officials and active observers 28 Jun 2016
- 09:54
16. Status of the initial resource mobilization process 28 Jun 2016
- 11:03
17. Consideration of accreditation proposals [part 1] 30 Jun 2016
- 12:48
17. Consideration of accreditation proposals [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 12:51
19. Country programming, readiness and preparatory support 30 Jun 2016
- 19:01
20. Further development of some indicators in the performance measurement framework 28 Jun 2016
- 10:26
21. Interim risk and investment guidelines 30 Jun 2016
- 10:16
22. Administrative matters 29 Jun 2016
- 09:41
23. Date of the following meeting of the Board 30 Jun 2016
- 19:55
25. Report of the meeting 30 Jun 2016
- 19:58
26. Close of the meeting [part 1] 30 Jun 2016
- 19:57
26. Close of the meeting [part 2] 30 Jun 2016
- 20:06


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