B.13/10: Matters related to guidance from the Conference of the Parties: The GCF and the Paris Agreement

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.13/06 titled “The GCF and the Paris Agreement”:

  1. Agrees that current GCF modalities enable support for the preparation and implementation of the nationally determined contributions and adaptation-related elements of the Paris Agreement;
  2. Urges national designated authorities/focal points to work with accredited entities to consider how their national climate priorities can be submitted as concrete proposals, including under the Project Preparation Facility;
  3. Requests the Secretariat to compile an information document, based on the submission of country work programmes in accordance with annex VII to decision B.07/03 (annex VII to document GCF/B.07/11), and accredited entity work programmes, in accordance with the GCF strategic plan, for the Board at its fifteenth meeting;
  4. Reiterates decision B.12/20 to regularly update the core operational priorities of the GCF as defined in the strategic plan and Secretariat work programmes, as appropriate, taking into account evolving priorities, including, inter alia, guidance from the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and/or guidance from the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement once the Paris Agreement enters into force, and relevant reports from the independent Evaluation Unit;
  5. Decides to consider in its future work-plans, how to support actions related to the implementation of the Paris Agreement, taking into account the business model of the GCF, its strategic impact areas, and guidance from the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and/or the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement once the Paris Agreement enters into force; and
  6. Notes that guidance, rules, modalities and procedures that are to be developed to implement the Paris Agreement may require later consideration by the Board, in line with guidance received from the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and/or the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement once the Paris Agreement enters into force.