More than a job – we're offering a chance for your career and passion to come together.Overview
Note to the public
Beware of scam emails or messages purporting to be from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) or any of its representatives that come with grant, funds, compensation, or partnership offers. These fraudulent offers and emails are not in any way associated with GCF, nor with any of its personnel. These messages are scams and phishing emails. Click here to learn more.
GCF is driven by addressing the impact of climate change around the world. We strive to help countries invest in a low-emission and climate-resilient future.
As our climate investment portfolio grows, we continue to build our capacity by recruiting people who are eager to be part of an international organization, working globally to tackle the world’s most pressing issue.
We seek experienced individuals from a range of backgrounds who think strategically, act pragmatically, communicate ideas effectively, build strong operational networks and thrive in a fast-paced, evolving environment.
Our GCF Job Portal explains our culture and values, and sets out what we offer and how we look after our team. We value diversity and inclusion, transparency and respect.
Headquartered in Songdo, in the Republic of Korea, our home base provides plenty of opportunities to experience a rich, exciting life in one of Asia’s most happening locations. The Job Portal provides some information to whet your appetite!
If you are motivated by our mission and believe your profile could be a good fit, please take a look at the current opportunities below and on the current opportunities below and on the GCF Job Portal.
Working for GCF
What motivates staff to work at GCF?
Staff vacancies
GCF regularly seeks highly-qualified professionals in all areas of its work. Current list of vacancies are regularly listed on the GCF Job Portal.
The Green Climate Fund internship programme provides a unique learning opportunity for students and recent graduates from diverse academic backgrounds. We encourage qualified women and men with diverse professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds to apply, and invite applications from nationals of developing countries in particular. The programme is designed for talented and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to GCF's operations. The programme allows selected candidates to gain insight into the work of the Fund and provides assistance and training in various professional fields in a multicultural environment. For inquiries about GCF's internship programme, please contact the GCF Human Resources Team.
The Green Climate Fund engages individual consultants for a wide range of professional assignments, as required for its operations. The fund seeks experienced, creative and results-oriented professionals with diverse backgrounds and skill sets in various disciplines.