Country & entity engagement

GCF's engagement with countries and entities ensures that we deliver unique climate solutions for unique climate needs


Among others, GCF works with developing countries and Accredited Entities to deliver impactful climate solutions to those that need it most. Apart from funding projects and programmes, we provide a wide variety of support services to countries and entities seeking accreditation. 

Country engagement

Country ownership and a country-driven approach are core principles of GCF. Guided by these principles, GCF investments support developing countries’ own aspirations for low-emission, climate-resilient development, in order to help attain their NDC objectives. Also in line with the sample approach, GCF provides support for the formulation of National Adaptation Plans, to identify a country's medium- and long-term climate adaptation needs, as well as strategies and programmes that need to be developed and implemented to address those needs.

Readiness support

GCF provides resources for strengthening the institutional capacities of National Designated Authorities (NDAs) or focal points and Direct Access Entities to efficiently engage with GCF through the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme (the Readiness Programme).

Entity accreditation

GCF works through a network of Accredited Entities for project design and implementation. Partners include multilateral and national banks, international financial institutions, development finance institutions, United Nations agencies, conservation organisations, equity funds, government agencies and regional institutions. These diverse partnerships enable GCF to build on knowledge and experience to drive systemic change that achieves climate ambitions.

To access funding, these institutions will go through a process of “accreditation,” designed to assess whether they are capable of strong financial management and of safeguarding funded projects and programmes.