
GCF works with a wide range of partners in the national, regional and international levels.


The active engagement of diverse stakeholders is in the DNA of the Green Climate Fund. The GCF Board is mandated to grant Accredited Observers access to its meetings. To this end, four observers are able to participate in Board sessions — two representatives from accredited civil society organisations (CSOs), one each from developed and developing countries, and two from accredited private sector organisations (PSOs), also one each from developed and developing countries.

These observers, known as Active Observers in Board proceedings, are identified through a self-selection process. Representation is for a term of two years, with a maximum of two consecutive terms.

Civil society organisations


Private sector organisations


International entities



Organisations seeking GCF observer status and to participate in the activities of the Fund are required to apply for observer status. The GCF Board announces calls for observer accreditation on a regular basis; notifications for the previous round of application for accreditation as observer organisation can be found on our announcements page. The 33rd round is open until Friday, 6 September 2024, 18.00 KST (UTC+09.00).

List of observers

CSO active observers

Mr Kairos Dela Cruz
Active Observer for CSOs - Developing countries constituency
Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC)
Ms Tara Daniel
Active Observer for CSOs - Developed countries constituency
Women's Environment and Development Organization (WEDO)

PSO active observers

Mr Pedro Carvalho
Active Observer for PSOs - Developing countries constituency
International Emissions Trading Association (IETA)
Mr Miles Austin
Active Observer for PSOs - Developed countries constituency
Climate Markets and Investment Association (CMIA)