B.13/29: Accreditation Master Agreements

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/19 (limited distribution) titled “Accreditation master agreements and funded activity agreements”,

  1. Takes note with appreciation of the progress made by the Executive Director in executing accreditation master agreements;
  2. Notes the progress made by the Secretariat in negotiating changes to the accreditation master agreement template so as to meet the unique circumstances and requirements of specific accredited entities, and notes in particular the specific issues it has highlighted for the Board in document GCF/B.13/19 as potential “substantive changes” from the accreditation master agreement template;
  3. Recognizes the need to conclude the outstanding accreditation master agreements with urgency, and notes the flexibility provided by the Board in decision B.12/31 in that regard, in which it noted that the template accreditation master agreement was a basis for negotiations and provided a process for the resolution and Board approval of “substantive changes” from the template accreditation master agreement with recourse to the Board, where appropriate;
  4. Reiterates the process as set out in decision B.12/31 for addressing substantive changes from the template accreditation master agreement, clarifies that provisions which contradict a Board-approved policy are substantive changes, and further clarifies that other changes that, in the judgment of the Executive Director, materially affect the terms of the template accreditation master agreement are to be addressed through the process set out in such a decision;
  5. Requests that the Secretariat, on behalf of the GCF, conclude pending accreditation master agreements as a matter of urgency, recognizing the potential contribution of each agreement towards approved projects and the functioning of the project pipeline;
  6. Decides, in this regard, that pending agreements for which negotiations are concluded prior to the fourteenth meeting of the Board and for which recourse to the Board is required under decision B.12/31 should be promptly submitted for approval by the Board under the no-objection procedure established for decisions between meetings as set out in paragraphs 41–44 of the Rules of Procedures of the Board;
  7. Urges the Secretariat to consider how to expedite the approval of outstanding accreditation master agreements, and to report to the Board at its fourteenth meeting with any requests for Board action in this regard; and
  8. Also urges all relevant parties to continue to work in good faith taking into consideration Board approved policies to finalize negotiations on outstanding accreditation master agreements.