B.13/20: Funding proposals: Simplified procedure for small-scale activities and certain activities

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.13/13/Rev.01 titled “Simplified processes for approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small-scale activities: recommendations from the Co-Chairs”,

  1. Takes note of the convergence and matters raised during the consultations undertaken by the Co-Chairs;
  2. Decides that a simplified process for small-scale activities will apply to both micro-scale and small-scale funding proposals that are assessed to fall under the low/no risk Category C/Intermediation 3;
  3. Also decides that the simplified process will apply to proposals from all accredited entities, including subnational, national, regional and international entities, especially direct access entities;
  4. Further decides that the simplified process will include a revised full funding proposal template for micro- and small-scale activities, and the Board’s agreement on simplifying the level of detail required in terms of feasibility studies and other supporting documentation for these proposals;
  5. Decides that the simplified process will operate in accordance with GCF policies;
  6. Also decides to review the simplified process following the completion of the Initial Resource Mobilization period, based on experience gained and lessons learned;
  7. Further decides that in the context of overall budget and staffing decisions, adequate support will be allocated within the Secretariat for the consideration and implementation of the simplified processes for the approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular for small-scale activities, and requests the Budget Committee to provide guidance to the Secretariat on this matter; and
  8. Requests the Secretariat to present to the Board, for consideration and approval at its fourteenth meeting, guidelines on the simplified processes for the approval of proposals for certain activities, in particular small-scale activities, taking into account the views expressed in the Co-Chairs' consultations related to:
    1. The proportion of GCF contribution to the total project size;
    2. The level of details required for full proposal development; and
    3. The addressing of project risks.