Project Preparation Facility
Helping Accredited Entities develop their climate ambitions into climate solutionsPPF template and documents
The following templates have been developed for Accredited Entities (AE) applying for support under the Project Preparation Facility (PPF). Please note that No-Objection letter for a PPF application is different from the No-Objection letter for funding proposals.
Approved PPF applications

Updated GCF Project Preparation Facility Guidelines
November 2020
The webinar seeks to provide detailed guidance regarding the Project Preparation Facility (PPF) overall, including updates with respect to process as well as two recently added features: PPF Simplified funding and the PPF service. Those updates have been integrated in the updated PPF Guidelines now available online. The webinar programme will cover the following aspects: What does PPF support aim to do? What is the scope of PPF support and what are eligible activities? How to apply for PPF?...