Regenerative and Agroecological Landscapes Acceleration Facility (RALAF)

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Regenerative and Agroecological Landscapes Acceleration Facility (RALAF)
GCF’s PPF funding will be required to conduct landscape feasibility analysis, impact studies and action plans and enable fund structuring activities to build a funding proposal aligned with the GCF Investment Criteria, and to ensure implementation efficiently addresses the impact thesis and commercial targets of the fund.
The PPF will support the following:
- Landscape Project Screening and Detailed Feasibility Studies: To develop and apply a robust set of criteria for screening candidate landscapes and a landscape-agnostic, replicable Transition Acceleration Framework, that will be applied to each prioritised landscape, yielding the development of Transition Acceleration Plans, and that will inform the structuring and deployment of RALAF’s two Financing Components, and the implementation of systems interventions that will create the conditions for their effective deployment.
- Country Engagement and Stakeholder Plans: To ensure programme implementation is aligned with country priorities and that the vision and plan for accelerated transition is co-owned by key landscape stakeholders, including through participatory co-design workshops with a range of public, private and civil society stakeholder groups.
- Environmental, Social and Gender Studies: Development of a programme- level ESMS including annexes such as Indigenous People Planning Framework, Resettlement Policy Framework and Livelihood Restoration and Compensation as annexes to the ESMS and as preparation of a Gender Assessment and Action Plan. In addition, development of conflict sensitivity assessment if E&S screening indicates that conflicts are moderate to high.
- Monitoring, Reporting, Verification, and Impact Assessment: Including the development of a GCF-aligned logical framework, key metrics, impact thresholds, baselines and targets, combined with the development of an MRV protocol and evaluation budget, aligned to emerging leading practice for measuring regenerative and agroecological outcomes.
- Fund Structuring Activities: Design, development and structuring of a commercially viable investment strategy, in alignment with CAM’s risk, compliance and governance frameworks, legal and tax fund and transaction structuring, draft term sheets, detailed project budget and timetable.
Cover date
08 August 2024
Document type
Approved project preparation funding application
Côte d'Ivoire