Transitioning the Water Supply in St. Kitts and Nevis to a Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Sector (SKN TransWater Project)

Transitioning the Water Supply in St. Kitts and Nevis to a Low Carbon, Climate Resilient Sector (SKN TransWater Project)
Described by a 2021 World Bank report as facing absolute water scarcity, the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis (SKN) is experiencing a steady decline in its water availability due to a combination of a marked increase in the variability of average annual precipitation, an observed decrease in precipitation, as well as increasing population and industry demand. An estimated 2% of the Federation’s population has no access to safe and reliable water supply; while approximately 80% of residents on the island of St. Kitts suffer regular water outages due to insufficient daily supply. The SKN TransWater Project – a cross-cutting climate resilient development project will transform the delivery of water in SKN through: (i) strengthening the enabling environment for low carbon, climate resilient water supply; (ii) reducing non-revenue water; and (iii) mainstreaming low carbon, climate resilient water supply systems. Project Preparation Facility (PPF) support from GCF is needed to build the empirical knowledge base to inform the design of a technically and financially sound Funding Proposal as a precursor to the implementation of activities associated with specific SKN TransWater outputs. More specifically, PPF resources will support the following:
- Conduct of Feasibility Studies;
- Conduct of Environmental, Social and Gender Studies;
- Conduct of an Integrated Risk Assessment;
- Development of Programme/ Project Level Indicators; and
- Development of other Project Preparation Activities.