GCF invests USD 270 million to catalyse African climate investment with AFD
Earlier this week, the Green Climate Fund and the French Development Agency (AFD) signed the agreement which will kick-off the implementation of the “Transforming Financial Systems for Climate” programme.
The programme...
Article > Press release
Supporting the Productive Development Bank in Bolivia to meet GCF accreditation standards
Bolivia is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change according to the Latin American Development Bank-CAF, and it has been classified as extremely risky in South America.
In this context, Bolivia has a...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
FP008 - Fiji Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Management Project
Building and renovating infrastructure to improve access to safe water and sewerage systems in the greater Suva area of Fiji. Creating a new river water intake station on the River Rewa and improving the Kinoya...
Project > Public sector Fiji
Support for accreditation gap assessment and action plan to the Agrarian Credit Corporation JSC (ACC)
With the aim to attract the funding from the Green Climate Fund, nowadays the Company is working on the alluring the technical assistance from the Green Climate Fund, in particular from PriceWaterhouseCoopers. In this...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Kazakhstan
Update on FP146: Bio-CLIMA Integrated climate action to reduce deforestation and strengthen resilience in BOSAWÁS and Rio San Juan Biospheres
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has terminated the Funded Activity Agreement for the project, “Bio-CLIMA: Integrated climate action to reduce deforestation and strengthen resilience in BOSAWÁS and Rio San Juan Biospheres...
Article > Statement
GCF welcomes Sweden’s SEK 8 billion pledge to the Fund
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) welcomes the Swedish government’s pledge of SEK 8 billion (USD 763 million) for the Fund’s second replenishment (GCF-2).
Sweden has been a long-term contributor to GCF, supporting the Fund...
Article > Press release
GCF/B.20/Inf.03 - Report on the activities of the Independent Redress Mechanism
This report provides an update on the progress made with regard to the activities of the Independent Redress Mechanism (IRM). The reporting period is from Tuesday, 6 February 2018 to Thursday, 31 May 2018. The document...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.17/07 - Audited financial statements of the Green Climate Fund for the year ended 31 December 2016
The audited financial statements of the Green Climate Fund for the year ended 31 December 2016 are submitted for Board approval.
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.15/Inf.11 - Status of the Initial Resource Mobilization process
This document provides an update for the Board on the Initial Resource Mobilization process:
The status of signing for contribution agreements/arrangements;
The current commitment authority highlighting the current...
Board document > Information
Transforming financial systems for climate
This document presents funding proposal "FP095: Transforming financial systems for climate," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.21.
Document > Approved funding proposal Multiple countries
Gender assessment for FP096: DRC Green Mini-Grid Program
This gender assessment provides a summary of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) gender equality situation with a specific focus on addressing the intersectional nature of energy poverty in the target areas. The...
Document > Gender assessment Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)
Gender assessment for FP020: Sustainable Energy Facility for the Eastern Caribbean
This gender assessment for FP020: Sustainable Energy Facility for the Eastern Caribbean seeks to present the issues, gaps and problems that should be addressed by gender-responsive project interventions.
Document > Gender assessment Multiple countries
Environmental and social safeguards (ESS) report for FP046: Renewable Energy Program #1 - Solar
This document presents relevant environmental and social safeguards (ESS) information about FP046: Renewable Energy Program #1 - Solar. Project and programme funding proposals that have environmental or social impacts...
Document > Environmental and Social Safeguards report Mongolia
Financial instruments for Brazil Energy Efficient Cities (FinBRAZEEC)
This document presents funding proposal "FP065: Financial instruments for Brazil Energy Efficient Cities (FinBRAZEEC)," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.19.
Document > Approved funding proposal Brazil
NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Kazakhstan through UNDP
The readiness support will assist the NDA and the Focal Point in working with the GCF and the national and regional (at the provincial level) stakeholders at the national and local levels, civil society, private sector...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Kazakhstan
Readiness grant agreement with Mauritius (MUS‐RS‐001)
Following approval of a readiness request, legal arrangements are concluded in the form of a grant agreement with the grant recipient which includes and incorporates the Standard Conditions. This readiness grant...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Mauritius
Readiness grant agrement for Chad (TCD‐RS‐001)
Following approval of a readiness request, legal arrangements are concluded in the form of a grant agreement with the grant recipient which includes and incorporates the Standard Conditions. This readiness grant...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Chad
Funding and subsidiary agreements signed on the same day between GCF, FAO, and Government of Cambodia, accelerating implementation of a new climate resilient agricultural project in Cambodia
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have signed a project agreement, referred to as a Funding Activity Agreement (FAA) to rapidly begin the implementation...
Article > News update
GCF’s 2024-2027 Strategic Plan sets out greater ambitions and results for critical global climate action
The 2024-2027 Strategic Plan of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) was successfully adopted at the 36th meeting of the GCF Board on 10 July. As GCF nears the end of its first programming period 2020-2023 (GCF-1) and is...
Article > News update
GCF affirms its commitment to Least Developed Countries
On 19 – 22 November, the Green Climate Fund, in cooperation with the Government of Ethiopia and the Least Developed Countries' constituency under the UNFCCC, held the Structured Dialogue with Least Developed Countries (...
Article > Press release Ethiopia
Thematic brief: Oceans
Oceans and coastal ecosystems cover more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, providing a natural asset of enormous significance to protect our planet, preserve and enhance local economic growth, promote regional...
Document > Thematic brief
GCF Group of Friends welcomes new Executive Director, Mafalda Duarte, garnering momentum for GCF’s second replenishment and global climate action
The Group of Friends of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the Republic of Korea (ROK) gathered for its fifth meeting on 24 August 2023 in the GCF Liaison Centre in Seoul. In total, 35 diplomatic representatives of GCF...
Article > News update
GCF strengthens climate action collaboration in the MENA region
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) recently concluded its first regional dialogue for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in Rabat, Morocco. Held from 24 to 28 June 2024, it brought over 220 participants from 36...
Article > News update
Review and update of the GCF Strategic Plan for 2024-2027
The Green Climate Fund’s Strategic Plan is a living document, that sets out the Board’s long-term strategic vision for the Fund, as well as its strategic objectives and portfolio targets, strategic priorities...
Basic page
Mobilising Funds at Scale
The Green Climate Fund offered USD 500 million to unlock private sector finance in developing countries. Bold investment ideas poured in from all comers of the globe, to crowd in capital for low-emission and...
Basic page
GCF/B.21/18 - Investment criteria indicators
This document outlines the proposal by the Secretariat on the investment criteria indicators. It builds on a two-phase process led by the Investment Committee to produce indicative minimum benchmarks with support from...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.21/Inf.01 - An integrated approach to addressing policy gaps to ensure climate impact: an overview of policies related to the consideration of funding proposals
This document provides an overview of the policy papers to be presented to the Board at its twenty-first and subsequent meetings, considers their interlinkages, and explains how they are related to the integrated policy...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.20/Inf.05 - Status of the initial resource mobilization process
This document provides an update for the Board on the initial resource mobilization process, including the status of signing contribution agreements/arrangements; the current commitment authority highlighting the...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.19/07 - 2018 Work Plan and Budget and Three-year Rolling Work Plan of the Independent Evaluation Unit
This document summarizes key elements of the work plan and budget of the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU) for 2018. This document contains three main elements that were promised at B.16: (1) Key elements of the IEU’s...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.08/30 - Travel Policy
The Secretariat recognizes that travellers on official business act in the best interest of the Fund. However, in doing so, travellers should be prudent and cost‐conscious with respect to business travel practices and...
Board document > Action item Pages
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