Empowering Women Groups to Build Resilience to Climate Impacts in the Province of Cunene in South West Angola (CREW Angola)
This document presents funding proposal "SAP044: Empowering Women Groups to Build Resilience to Climate Impacts in the Province of Cunene in South West Angola (CREW Angola)" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate...
Document > Approved funding proposal Angola OSS
Risk appetite statement
Adopted by decision B.40/16, paragraph (a). Updates the GCF risk appetite statement, providing direction to guide and steer the overall level of risk-taking and proactive risk management across GCF operations. The risk...
Document > Policies, strategies, and guidelines
GCF/B.13/28 - Administrative Tribunal of the Green Climate Fund (Status Update)
Pursuant to decision B.12/40, the Board requested the Secretariat to identify the options for the arrangements for the Administrative Tribunal of the Fund. It was intended that the Secretariat should focus on existing...
Board document > Action item
Achieving emission reduction in the Central Highlands and South Central Coast of Viet Nam to support National REDD+ Action Programme goals (RECAF)
This document presents funding proposal "FP250: Achieving emission reduction in the Central Highlands and South Central Coast of Viet Nam to support National REDD+ Action Programme goals (RECAF)" as approved by the...
Document > Approved funding proposal Viet Nam IFAD
FP081 - Line of Credit for Solar rooftop segment for commercial, industrial and residential housing sectors
Enabling access to long-term, affordable finance for solar rooftop installation projects in commercial, industrial and residential housing sectors in India, including vulnerable communities.
India is the world's...
Project > Private sector India NABARD 
USD 1 billion of climate investments to be considered at the last GCF Board meeting of the year
Sixteen new climate project proposals totalling about USD 1.0 billion of GCF investment will be considered for approval at next week’s Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board Meeting.
The bold and innovative projects will...
Article > News update 
GCF/B.27/Inf.12/Add.03 - Report on the execution of the 2020 administrative budget of GCF
This document reports on the execution of the GCF 2020 administrative budget for the period from 1 January to 31 August 2020. Administrative expenditure relates to costs for Board activities, the independent units, the...
Board document > Information
Policy for results-based payments for REDD+
Adopted by decision B.40/16, paragraph (a). Defines the integration of REDD+ results-based payment funding modality into the regular project and programming activity cycle of GCF, including specific requirements for...
Document > Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Annual portfolio performance report 2017
The first GCF Annual Portfolio Performance Report (PPR) covers the period up to end of 2017. At the time of publishing this report, GCF had 40 projects under implementation, totalling over USD 1.6 billion of GCF...
Document > Operational document
Fortieth meeting of the Board
The fortieth meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (B.40) will be held from Monday, 21 October to Thursday, 24 October 2024 at the IBS Tower (main venue for the Board) and G-Tower (main venue for the Observers...
Document > Notification
FP077 - Ulaanbaatar Green Affordable Housing and Resilient Urban Renewal Project (AHURP)
Improving the climate resilience of the Mongolian capital Ulaanbaatar and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution by creating eco-districts.
Climate change in Mongolia periodically leads to sizable losses...
Project > Public sector Mongolia ADB 
FP131 - Improving Climate Resilience of Vulnerable Communities and Ecosystems in the Gandaki River Basin, Nepal
While water resources for ecosystems are becoming scarcer, the increase of extreme climate-related events such as landslides and floods threaten the livelihoods of people in Nepal’s Gandaki River Basin region, currently...
Project > Public sector Nepal IUCN 
Gender assessment for FP009: Energy Savings Insurance (ESI) for private energy efficiency investments by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
This document provides a general background on gender issues and status in El Salvador. It is important to note, that the proposed Project targets formal small and medium businesses and as such will only have gender co-...
Document > Gender assessment El Salvador IDB
RE-ACT (Resilient Action Guyana): Increasing climate resilience of vulnerable ecosystems and rural communities in Guyana’s coastal areas
Natural dynamics of the coastal zone are being influenced by climate change (CC) owing to increased mean annual temperature and precipitation that lead to unpredictable floods and drought periods which are expected to...
Document > Concept note Guyana FAO
GCF/B.30/Inf.06 - Report on the execution of the 2021 administrative budget of GCF
This document reports on the execution of the GCF 2021 administrative budget for the period from 1 January to 31 July 2021. Administrative expenditure relates to costs for Board activities, the independent units, the...
Board document > Information
FP092 - Programme for integrated development and adaptation to climate change in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/NB)
Improving the resilience of populations and ecosystems in the Niger Basin by managing natural resources sustainably.
The Niger Basin of the Sahel is one of Africa’s most vulnerable regions to climate change. Over the...
Project > Public sector Multiple countries AfDB 
GCF/B.41/Inf.01 - Board decisions proposed between the fortieth and forty-first meetings of the Board
This document provides information on decisions proposed between the fortieth and forty-first meetings of the Board as at 27 January 2025.
Board document > Information
SAP047 - Climaventures: Harnessing the Domestic Private Sector Ecosystem for Climate Action in Pakistan
Pakistan is highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, particularly droughts and floods. The country’s Nationally Determined Contribution outlines an ambitious target for renewable energy, while its National...
Project > Private sector Pakistan NRSP 
GCF strengthens partnership with FMO to combat climate change
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has today signed an agreement with Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. (FMO) that will enable FMO to implement GCF funded low-emission and climate-resilient...
Article > Press release FMO 
Technical guidance and support to conduct a technology needs assessment and a technology action plan for Equatorial Guinea
The objective of this assistance is to develop aTNAto identify and prioritize technology transfer and diffusion for climate change mitigation and adaptation in key sectors in Equatorial Guinea. There are several sectors...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Equatorial Guinea
Executive Director
Mafalda Duarte is the Executive Director of the Green Climate Fund (GCF), the largest multilateral climate fund. Named by TIME Magazine as one of the world’s most influential climate leaders, Duarte oversees nearly...
Basic page
SIV – Climate Resilient and Green Housing Platform for Africa
Social Infra Ventures Africa (“SIV”) is a climate-resilient, green and gender-responsive housing platform for North, West and East Africa. Given (i) the near doubling of Africa’s population by 2050 to 2.5bln people, (ii...
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Morocco AWB
Strengthening Adaptation Planning and Coordination in Namibia
Namibia’s socio-ecological characteristics make it one of the most vulnerable developing countries to the impacts of climate change. Namibia’s climate is characterised by regular dry spells, persistent droughts, and...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Namibia
REDD+ Results-based Payments (RBPs) Workshop
The GCF technical workshop on REDD+ Results-based Payments (RBPs) will take place at GCF Headquarters in Songdo, Republic of Korea from 3 to 6 September 2024.
Through decision B.39.17 in July 2024, the Green Climate...
Event > Events organised / involving GCF 
Onboarding Webinar on REDD+ results-based payments
At its 39th meeting in July 2024, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board approved 13 principles on mainstreaming REDD+ RBPs. The Board also requested the Secretariat to prepare a proposal consistent with these principles...
Event > Webinar 
Virtual Consultations on draft Revised Accreditation Framework
Under the evolving dynamics of expanding scale of the GCF’s partner network and programming, the Board, through decision B.37/18, decided to request the Secretariat, in consultation with the Accreditation Committee, to...
Event > Webinar 
FP149 - Green Climate Financing Facility for Local Financial Institutions in Latin-America
The energy and land use sectors are responsible for the majority of greenhouse gas emissions in many Latin American countries. It is estimated that approximately 40% of GHG emissions are from the agriculture, forestry ...
Project > Private sector Multiple countries CAF 
FP015 - Tuvalu Coastal Adaptation Project (TCAP)
Protecting the small island nation of Tuvalu from the impact of rising sea level and increasing cyclone events that threaten the country’s viability.
Tuvalu is the fourth smallest nation in the world, comprising nine...
Project > Public sector Tuvalu UNDP 
FP040 - Tajikistan: Scaling Up Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience
Protecting Tajikstan’s hydropower from climate risks.
Hydropower provides approximately 98% of Tajikistan’s electricity. Tajikistan’s hydropower plants depend on river basins fed by glacial melt water and snowmelt....
Project > Public sector Tajikistan EBRD 
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