GCF/B.30/Inf.06: Report on the execution of the 2021 administrative budget of GCF

GCF/B.30/Inf.06: Report on the execution of the 2021 administrative budget of GCF
This document reports on the execution of the GCF 2021 administrative budget for the period from 1 January to 31 July 2021. Administrative expenditure relates to costs for Board activities, the independent units, the Secretariat and the Trustee. The figures in this document are unaudited.
As at 31 July 2021, total expenditure was USD 37.9 million against the annual budget of USD 93.6 million (40 per cent of the approved budget). These figures do not include commitments where contracts have been signed but the services/goods have not been executed/delivered. The commitments are included in the budget execution report when the related services are performed.
The unutilized budget of USD 55.7 million comprises USD 3.5 million for the Board, USD 6.8 million for the independent units, USD 43.9 million for the Secretariat, and USD 1.6 million for the Trustee.