Enhancing climate information systems for resilient development in Sierra Leone
This document presents funding proposal "SAP033: Enhancing Climate Information Systems for Resilient Development in Sierra Leone" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Sierra Leone
Rwanda Green Investment Facility (RGIF)
This document presents funding proposal "FP221: Rwanda Green Investment Facility (RGIF)," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Rwanda
Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP 2)
This document presents funding proposal "FP222: Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP 2)," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Multiple countries
Strengthening Climate Resilience of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) Health System
This document presents funding proposal "SAP030: Strengthening Climate Resilience of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) Health System" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)
Scaling up climate resilient flood risk management in Bosnia and Herzegovina
This document presents funding proposal "FP216: Scaling up climate resilient flood risk management in Bosnia and Herzegovina" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Bosnia and Herzegovina
Staple crops processing zone (SCPZ): promoting sustainable agricultural value chains
This document presents funding proposal "FP219: Staple Crops Processing Zone (SCPZ): Promoting Sustainable Agricultural Value Chains" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Multiple countries
Building resilience of vulnerable communities to climate variability in Rwanda’s Congo Nile divide through forest and landscape restoration
This document presents funding proposal "FP217: Building Resilience of Vulnerable Communities to Climate Variability in Rwanda’s Congo Nile Divide through Forest and Landscape Restoration" as approved by the Board of...
Document > Approved funding proposal Rwanda
Marajó Resiliente: Enhancing the resilience of smallholders to climate change impacts through adapting
This document presents funding proposal "SAP031: Marajó Resiliente: Enhancing the resilience of smallholders to climate change impacts through adaptin" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Brazil
Readiness Strategy 2024-2027
The Board adopted at B.37 the Readiness Strategy 2024-2027, which presents the revised strategy for the Readiness Programme that continues to serve as a critical instrument in fulfilling the GCF’s strategic vision and...
Document > Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanism (ARCAFIM) for East Africa region
This document presents funding proposal "FP220: Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanism (ARCAFIM) for East Africa region," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.37.
Document > Approved funding proposal Multiple countries
GCF/B.38/07 - GCF regional presence
This paper outlines the Secretariat assessment on GCF regional presence, informed by the feasibility study presented to the Board in document GCF/B.37/Inf.13 titled “GCF regional presence study outcomes”, the views of...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/05 - Independent Evaluation of the Green Climate Fund’s Approach to and Protection of Whistleblowers and Witnesses: Final Report
This report presents the findings and recommendations of an independent evaluation of the GCF’s approach to the and protection of whistleblowers and witnesses undertaken by the Independent Evaluation Unit (IEU). The IEU...
Board document > Action item
Administrative guidelines on human resources
This document captures the policy as adopted by the Board in decision B.08/17, paragraph (a), and subsequently amended by decisions B.34/20, B.34/21, and B.37/08. The policy was sent to the Board for consideration at B....
Document > Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Investment framework for GCF-2
Adopted by decision B.07/06 (a); updated in decision B.37/20; applicable from 1 January 2024 onwards. Sets out the Fund's investment policies, investment guidelines (including investment criteria), and updated...
Document > Policies, strategies, and guidelines
GCF/B.27/Inf.12/Add.03 - Report on the execution of the 2020 administrative budget of GCF
This document reports on the execution of the GCF 2020 administrative budget for the period from 1 January to 31 August 2020. Administrative expenditure relates to costs for Board activities, the independent units, the...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.35/Inf.15/Add.06 - Information report on the salary structure
By decision B.34/21, paragraph (d), the Board requested the Secretariat, in consultation with the Budget Committee, to report to the Board on the status of the work mandate on a Fund-wide compensation philosophy due for...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.40/15 - Accreditation Framework
Significantly improving access is a core operational commitment of GCF under the updated Strategic Plan for the GCF 2024–2027. Accreditation, as one of the core access modalities, needs to be brought in line with the...
Board document > Action item
Thirty-seventh meeting of the Board
The thirty-seventh meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (B.37) will be held from Monday, 23 October to Wednesday, 25 October 2023, at Pullman Tbilisi Axis Towers, Tbilisi, Georgia. The meeting will be held...
Document > Notification
Adaptation Plan for the Havana Coastal Zone
The Havana Coastal Zone, located in the capital city of Cuba, is a 47 km-long coastline with significant natural, aesthetic, cultural, and social heritage and economic assets for the sustainable development of both...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Cuba
GCF joins European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to bolster Moroccan adaptation
The Green Climate Fund and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have deepened their cooperation on climate change by making Moroccan agriculture more resilient.
The two organisations have signed...
Article > Press release Morocco 
GCF publishes first funding proposals for Board consideration
The Green Climate Fund published today its first set of funding proposals that will be reviewed by the Fund’s Board on the occasion of its eleventh meeting in Livingstone, Zambia, next month.
The fact sheet below...
Article > Press release 
Strategic Frameworks support for Brazil through UNEP
Brazil submitted the document ratifying the Paris Agreement in September 2016, in which it committed to reduce GHG emissions by means of a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The NDC targets to reduce GHG...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Brazil
GCF/B.30/Inf.06 - Report on the execution of the 2021 administrative budget of GCF
This document reports on the execution of the GCF 2021 administrative budget for the period from 1 January to 31 July 2021. Administrative expenditure relates to costs for Board activities, the independent units, the...
Board document > Information
Annual Results Report 2021
Annual Results Report 2021: Promoting low emission, climate-resilient recovery and maintaining climate ambitions during the pandemic. GCF's annual report, available in both web and pdf versions, provides an overview of...
Document > GCF in Brief
Call for public inputs: Draft Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Policy
The Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) requested the Secretariat to prepare for consideration by the Board, at its eighteenth meeting, a review and update of the Fund-wide Gender Policy and Action Plan adopted in...
Document > Call for input
GCF highlights Fund progress and ambition at COP22 dialogue on climate finance
The leadership of the Green Climate Fund engaged in a series of high-level consultations on climate finance at COP 22 today. Ewen McDonald, GCF Board Co-Chair, addressed a Ministerial dialogue on climate finance,...
Article > Press release 
ED recorded remarks
According to the IPCC, global oceans have warmed faster over the past century than since the last deglacial transition. Coral reefs face extinction if we miss the 1.5C Paris Agreement goal.
However, there is a widening...
Article > Speech
Update on consultations on the GCF's revised Readiness Strategy 2024-2027
To improve the Readiness Programme, GCF is organizing a virtual briefing on the revised Readiness Strategy for 2024-2027. This event is scheduled for Tuesday, 3 October, and Wednesday, 4 October 2023. The purpose of...
Event > Webinar 
Virtual Consultations on draft Revised Accreditation Framework
Under the evolving dynamics of expanding scale of the GCF’s partner network and programming, the Board, through decision B.37/18, decided to request the Secretariat, in consultation with the Accreditation Committee, to...
Event > Webinar 
HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiaries
The HSBC Holdings plc and its subsidiaries (HSBC) is an international commercial bank headquartered in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. With a history of over 150 years, the international...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International Pages
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