GCF/B.40/02/Add.11 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum XI Funding proposal package for FP249
This addendum contains the following seven parts:
a) A funding proposal titled "Strengthening climate Resilience of Vulnerable
Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq (SRVALI)";
b) No-objection letter issued by the national...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.13 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum XIII Funding proposal package for FP251
This addendum contains the following seven parts:
a) A funding proposal titled "Barbados Climate Resilient South Coast Water Reclamation Project (SCWRP)";
b) No-objection letter issued by the national...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.12 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum XII Funding proposal package for FP250
This addendum contains the following seven parts:
a) A funding proposal titled "Achieving emission reduction in the Central Highlands and South Central Coast of Viet Nam to support National REDD+ Action...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/03/Add.02 - Accredited entity institutional-level reporting
In line with the GCF monitoring and accountability framework per decision B.11/10, this document provides information on the annual self-assessments by accredited entities (AEs), midterm accreditation reviews of AEs,...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.04 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum IV Funding proposal package for SAP047
This addendum contains the following five parts:
a) A funding proposal summary titled “Climaventures: Harnessing the Domestic Private Sector Ecosystem for Climate Action in Pakistan” by the National Rural
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.15 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum XV Funding proposal package for FP253
This addendum contains the following six parts:
a) A funding proposal summary titled “Greening Financial Systems: Delivering Climate Finance for All” by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development;b) No-...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/17/Rev.01 - 2025-2027 work programme of the Secretariat and annual administrative budget of the GCF Secretariat, Board and Trustee
This document presents the 2025-2027 work programme of the Secretariat and the proposed 2025-2027 administrative budget of the Secretariat, the Board and the Trustee. For the first time, it sets out a three-year...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/Inf.08/Add.02 - Status of selection of Board members for the fifth term of Board membership – Addendum II
This document is an addendum to document GCF/B.40/Inf.08 titled “Status of selection of Board members for the fifth term of Board membership”, which was published on 30 September 2024. It informs the Board on the...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.40/Inf.10/Rev.01 - Annual portfolio performance report (2023)
This annual portfolio performance report presents a review and analysis of the performance of the GCF portfolio of investments from projects and programmes and the Project Preparation Facility under implementation as at...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.40/Inf.13/Add.03 - Summary of advice of the fourth meeting of the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group, 5–8 February 2024, Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea
The following document contains the outcomes of the fourth formal meeting of the GCF Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG-4) held 5–8 February 2024, Songdo, Incheon, Republic of Korea.
Board document > Information
GCF/B.40/Inf.13/Add.02 - Annual update on complementarity and coherence
This report presents an annual update on activities conducted by the Secretariat to strengthen complementarity and enhance coherence among operations and processes across climate finance institutions, in line with...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.40/Inf.13/Add.01 - Report on the execution of the 2024 administrative budget of GCF
This document provides information on the execution of the GCF 2024 administrative budget from 1 January to 31 July 2024 and other additional budgets approved by the Board. The administrative expenditure relates to...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.40/11/Add.01/Rev.01 - Policy for results-based payments for REDD+ – Addendum I Response matrix for Board comments received on the draft document
This document contains the response matrix for Board comments received on the draft document titled “Policy for REDD+ results-based payments” during the Board consultation period held from 11 to 22 September 2024.
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.07/Rev.01 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum VII Funding proposal package for FP245
This addendum contains the following seven parts:
a) A funding proposal titled "Green City Kigali: a new model for urban development in Rwanda";
b) No-objection letter issued by the national designated authority(ies)...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.10/Rev.01 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum X Funding proposal package for FP248
This addendum contains the following seven parts:
a) A funding proposal titled "Land-based Mitigation and Adaptation through a Jurisdictional Approach in West Kalimantan";
b) No-objection letter issued by the national...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.16/Rev.01 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum XVI Funding proposal package for FP254
This addendum contains the following six parts:
a) A funding proposal summary titled “GCF-IFC Scaling Resilient Water Infrastructure (RWI) Facility” by the International Finance Corporation;
b) No-objection letter(s)...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/02/Add.14/Rev.01 - Consideration of funding proposals – Addendum XIV Funding proposal package for FP252
This addendum contains the following six parts:
a) A funding proposal summary titled “Acumen Resilient Agriculture Fund II” submitted by the Acumen Fund, Inc.;
b) No-objection letter(s) issued by the national...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.40/Inf.08/Add.01/Rev.01 - Status of selection of Board members for the fifth term of Board membership – Addendum I
This document is an addendum to document GCF/B.40/Inf. 08 titled “Status of selection of Board members for the fifth term of Board membership”, which was published on 30 September 2024. It informs the Board on the...
Board document > Information
Work programme of the Secretariat for 2025-2027 and administrative budget
This document captures the programme as adopted by the Board in decision B.40/11, paragraph (b). The programme was sent to the Board for consideration at B.40 in document GCF/B.40/17/Rev.01 titled “2025-2027 work...
Document > Work programme and budget
General guidelines for the operation of Board committees
Adopted by decision B.40/03, paragraph (a). Sets out the general guidelines for the operation of Board committees covering membership, chairing arrangements, accountability mechanisms, terms of reference and the scope...
Document > Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Green City Kigali: a new model for urban development in Rwanda
This document presents funding proposal "FP245: Green City Kigali: a new model for urban development in Rwanda" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Rwanda MOE_Rwanda FP245
Climate Resilient Agriculture in Somalia (Ugbaad)
This document presents funding proposal "FP246: Climate Resilient Agriculture in Somalia (Ugbaad)" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Somalia FAO FP246
Land-based Mitigation and Adaptation through a Jurisdictional Approach in West Kalimantan
This document presents funding proposal "FP248: Land-based Mitigation and Adaptation through a Jurisdictional Approach in West Kalimantan" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Indonesia GIZ FP248
Strengthening climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq (SRVALI)
This document presents funding proposal "FP249: Strengthening climate Resilience of Vulnerable Agriculture Livelihoods in Iraq (SRVALI)" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Iraq FAO FP249
Scaling up Climate Resilience Solutions for Burundian Smallholders
This document presents funding proposal "SAP045: Scaling up Climate Resilience Solutions for Burundian Smallholders" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Burundi OAF SAP045
Climate Resilient Health and Well-Being for Rural Communities in southern Malawi (CHWBRC)
This document presents funding proposal "FP244: Climate Resilient Health and Well-Being for Rural Communities in southern Malawi (CHWBRC)" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Malawi SCA FP244
Barbados Climate Resilient South Coast Water Reclamation Project (SCWRP)
This document presents funding proposal "FP251: Barbados Climate Resilient South Coast Water Reclamation Project (SCWRP)" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Barbados IDB FP251
Strengthening Climate Information and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Increased Resilience in Azerbaijan
This document presents funding proposal "SAP046: Strengthening Climate Information and Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems for Increased Resilience in Azerbaijan" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B....
Document > Approved funding proposal Azerbaijan UNEP SAP046
Climate-resilient community access to safe water powered by renewable energy in drought-vulnerable regions of Ethiopia
This document presents funding proposal "FP243: Climate-resilient community access to safe water powered by renewable energy in drought-vulnerable regions of Ethiopia" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund...
Document > Approved funding proposal Ethiopia MoFEC FP243
Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility Plus (LoCAL+) – West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali and Niger)
This document presents funding proposal "FP247: Local Climate Adaptive Living Facility Plus (LoCAL+) – West Africa (Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Mali and Niger)" as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.40.
Document > Approved funding proposal Multiple countries BOAD FP247 Pages
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