Work programme of the Secretariat for 2025-2027 and administrative budget

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Work programme of the Secretariat for 2025-2027 and administrative budget

This document captures the programme as adopted by the Board in decision B.40/11, paragraph (b). The programme was sent to the Board for consideration at B.40 in document GCF/B.40/17/Rev.01 titled “2025-2027 work programme of the Secretariat and annual administrative budget of the GCF Secretariat, Board and Trustee”.

All decisions and documents adopted at B.40 can be found in document GCF/B.40/23 titled “Decisions of the Board – fortieth meeting of the Board, 21 – 24 October 2024”.

Cover date 16 January 2025
Document type Work programme and budget
Table of contents


  1. Enhancing country ownership and access
  2. Delivering impact and results
  3. Focusing on people and institutional strengthening
  4. Programming projections
  5. Proposed 2025 to 2027 administrative budget of the GCF including the Board, the Secretariat and the Trustee
  6. Secretariat Staffing from 2021 to 2027
  7. 2025-2027 Secretariat work programme results framework

Appendix I: Output Based Budget

Appendix II: Total administrative budget including independent units (USD in thousands)