
Mongolia: Aimags and Soums Green Regional Development Investment Program (ASDIP)

Mongolia: Aimags and Soums Green Regional Development Investment Program (ASDIP)

In Mongolia average temperatures have risen by 2.1°C over the past 70 years. Average rainfall is declining, and extreme weather events are more frequent. This poses challenges to livestock production and managing the country’s vast pasturelands, which are already fragile due to decades of unsustainable herding practices.

This project addresses Mongolia’s rangeland degradation and overgrazing. It will do this by building climate-resilient and low-carbon cities that provide adequate services to attract private sector investments to support local agribusiness. Other measures include supporting herder groups to manage the rangelands sustainably by limiting the number of grazing animals, and strengthening agribusiness value chains.

Total project value


Tonnes of emissions avoided






Result areas

Project timeline


22 Oct 2019 - 515 days

Concept note received

22 Oct 2019

Funding proposal received

23 Jan 2020

Cleared by GCF Secretariat

30 Mar 2020

Cleared by iTAP

23 Feb 2021


19 Mar 2021 - 1,263 days so far

Approved by GCF Board

19 Mar 2021

Legal opinion on AE's Internal Approval

24 Mar 2023

FAA executed

03 Jan 2024

Under implementation

To be completed

One region

  • Asia-Pacific

One country

  • Financing
    • Private sector
    • Public sector
  • Size
    • Micro
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large

GCF financing

GrantUSD 45,000,000
LoanUSD 130,000,000
Total GCF Financing
USD 175,000,000


Co-FinancingLoanUSD 135,000,000
Co-FinancingLoanUSD 135,000,000
Co-FinancingGrantUSD 30,000,000
Co-FinancingLoanUSD 150,000,000
Co-FinancingLoanUSD 25,000,000
Co-FinancingGrantUSD 75,280,000
Co-FinancingIn-kindUSD 6,720,000
Co-FinancingGrantUSD 3,000,000
Total Co-Financing
USD 560,000,000

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Phone +82 32 458 6186 (KST)
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Phone +82 32 458 6714 (KST)
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Accredited Entity

Asian Development Bank
Mr. Christian Ellermann

Senior Climate Change Specialist
More contacts

National Designated Authority

Ministry of Environment and Tourism
Ms. Choikhand Janchivlamdan Primary
15160 Government building 2, United Nation's street 5/2, Chingeltei district, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia