B.33/11: Launch of the second replenishment of the GCF

The Board, having reviewed document GCF/B.33/15/Rev.01 titled “Arrangements for the second replenishment of the Green Climate Fund,” and taking into account decision B.32/04 and guidance from the Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change:

  1. Stresses decision B.21/18, paragraph (c), which states that the replenishments of the Fund should take into account the stated ambitions, actions and contributions of developing countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by meaningful mitigation actions and to adapt to the impacts of climate change, and that the Board will provide the replenishment process with strategic guidance;
  2. Recalls paragraph 2(e) of the “Policy for contributions to the Green Climate Fund for the first replenishment”, which states that “the GCF will initiate the next replenishment 30 months after the commencement of the replenishment period in order to allow sufficient time for the preparation and consideration of such reports and/or evaluations as may be necessary”;
  3. Also recalls decision B.32/04, by which the Board set out the details of the sequencing and consideration of strategic and programming matters for the Green Climate Fund’s second replenishment;
  4. Decides to commence the process for the Green Climate Fund’s second replenishment from July 2022;
  5. Also decides that the period of the second replenishment will be from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2027;
  6. Further decides that replenishment meetings will be open to all potential contributors and to all Board members;
  7. Endorses the process of collective engagement for the second replenishment process set out in annex IV;
  8. Requests the Secretariat to begin making arrangements to facilitate the process of collective engagement referred to in paragraph (g) above, including finding hosts for the in-person replenishment meetings;
  9.  Approves a budget of USD 761,000 to conduct the second replenishment process in 2022 and 2023, as detailed in annex V;
  10. Requests the Trustee to provide support to the Secretariat, as part of its function to administer the GCF Trust Fund, on issues related to:
    1. Updating the standard provisions and template for contribution agreements and/or arrangements; and
    2. Other relevant financial management issues as agreed between the Executive Director of GCF and the Trustee;
  11. Also requests the Co-Chairs, in consultation with the Board and with the support of the Secretariat, to identify and appoint a suitable chairperson(s)/facilitator for the second replenishment process;
  12. Further requests the Secretariat to prepare for consideration at the first consultation meeting of the replenishment process a document outlining areas in the policy for contributions, standard provisions, and template for contribution agreements that may be updated for the Green Climate Fund’s second replenishment period;
  13. Decides to conclude its consideration of the updated policy for contributions no later than the thirty-sixth meeting of the Board; and
  14. Invites participants to the replenishment process to provide, by the end of 2022, inputs to the Board on the updated Strategic Plan for the second replenishment period of the Green Climate Fund, in accordance with the consultation process outlined in decision B.32/04.