Republic of Rwanda

Africa  African States  Least Developed Countries 


No. of projects


Total GCF financing


No. of Readiness activities


Readiness support approved


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Rwanda Green Investment Facility (RGIF)


Multiple countries

Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanism (ARCAFIM) for East Africa region



Building Resilience of Vulnerable Communities to Climate Variability in Rwanda’s Congo Nile Divide through Forest and Landscape Restoration


Multiple countries

KawiSafi II


Multiple countries

Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund (ICRF)


Multiple countries

Green Guarantee Company ("GGC")


Multiple countries

CRAFT - Catalytic Capital for First Private Investment Fund for Adaptation Technologies in Developing Countries



Transforming Eastern Province through Adaptation


Multiple countries

Global Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF Global) – Equity


Multiple countries

Global Subnational Climate Fund (SnCF Global) – Technical Assistance (TA) Facility


Multiple countries

Participation in Energy Access Relief Facility ("EARF")



Strengthening Climate Resilience of Rural Communities in Northern Rwanda


Multiple countries

KawiSafi Ventures Fund

National Designated Authority

GCF Team

Euan Low
Regional Manager
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Sun Cho
Regional Officer
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News + Stories

Mobilising financing for agricultural technologies: seeding a climate resilient and food-secure future

19 Jun 2024 / Over the last 100 years, agriculture has scaled up like never before to feed the world’s growing population. This growth comes with an increase of climate risks and stressors that can adversely impact food production and security. From altered weather patterns to soil degradation, biodiversity loss, and an increase in pests and diseases, agricultural technology has never been more critical, providing huge opportunities to mitigate climate vulnerabilities, enhance productivity, secure food, build resilient farming systems, and revolutionise the agricultural world.

GCF in Rwanda: Supporting the Green Gicumbi project

17 Jan 2024 / In partnership with Rwanda's Ministry of Environment, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is supporting the Green Gicumbi project which is focused on increasing the climate resilience of vulnerable communities in nine sectors of Rwanda's Gicumbi District. The project will restore and enhance ecosystems in degraded watersheds and increase the capacity of communities to sustainably manage forest resources. Learn more about the project:

GCF and KawiSafi Ventures Fund driving off-grid solar power in East Africa

05 Dec 2023 / Although the African continent is responsible for only three per cent of the world's human-induced greenhouse gas emissions each year, it is expected to suffer some of the most severe consequences of climate change. Significant investments in Africa's infrastructure, manufacturing capacity, and economy are necessary to helpthe continent's  adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Rwanda and GCF sign privileges and immunities agreement

10 Nov 2022 / The Government of the Republic of Rwanda and the Green Climate Fund (GCF) on 8 November 2022 signed a bilateral privileges and immunities agreement, granting GCF privileges and immunities in line with those of other international organizations.

Investment in off-grid solar lights up lives in Rwanda

01 Oct 2019 / In Rwanda about 70% of the population are not connected to the electricity grid. In partnership with Acumen in the KawiSafi Ventures Fund, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) is helping address this by unlocking private sector investment in off-grid renewables as a faster, cheaper, and cleaner way to bring power to Rwandan communities.

Bringing renewable energy to rural communities in Rwanda

31 Aug 2019 / The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is enabling investment to bridge East Africa's energy gap with affordable, off-grid renewables.

Giving power to the people, minus the emissions

22 Aug 2019 /

Ministers call for successful GCF replenishment at HLPF

15 Jul 2019 / Panellists at the Green Climate Fund (GCF) high-level event at the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York recognised the Fund’s critical role in helping developing countries meet their commitments under the Paris Agreement and called for an ambitious GCF replenishment.

GCF agreement with Rwandan government set to reduce climate risks

14 Dec 2018 / Rwandan farmers facing the increased likelihood of landslides, flooding and droughts from climate change will benefit from an agreement by the Green Climate Fund to begin transferring funds to Rwanda’s Ministry of Environment.

Forests: A cause of climate concern, and hope

15 Aug 2018 / You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.