Republic of Malawi

Africa  African States  Least Developed Countries 


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Ecosystems-based Adaptation for resilient Watersheds and Communities in Malawi (EbAM)


Multiple countries

Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP 2)


Multiple countries



Multiple countries

Cooling Facility


Multiple countries

Climate Investor One



Scaling up the use of Modernized Climate information and Early Warning Systems in Malawi

National Designated Authority

GCF Team

Euan Low
Regional Manager
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Sun Cho
Regional Officer
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News + Stories

Protecting Malawi with climate information and early warning systems

11 Nov 2021 / The lives of many people in Malawi, where 85 percent live in the countryside, are increasingly buffeted by climate effects. The introduction of climate information and early weaning systems, however, is helping them better prepare, and therefore avoid, weather disaster. A major aim of this GCF-funded initiative is to avoid past calamities, such as when the flooding of Lake Malawi killed hundreds.

Scaling Up Climate Information and Early Warning Systems in Malawi

04 Dec 2019 / GCF is working with UNDP to protect lives and livelihoods in Malawi from climate-related disasters by providing early warning weather and climate information systems and improving the resilience of vulnerable communities.

Improving climate information systems in Malawi

30 Nov 2019 / Increasingly frequent climate-related disasters threaten the development gains of the most vulnerable communities in Malawi. The Green Climate Fund (GCF), together with UNDP, is modernizing climate information systems in the country to strengthen people's resilience to natural disasters.

Lightning strikes: How installing a modern lightning detecting system in Malawi is saving lives and livelihoods

01 May 2019 / As another year of devastating events unfolds, including Cyclone Idai - one of the worst tropical cyclones on record to affect Africa and the Southern Hemisphere – natural disasters are a constant reminder to us that whatever progress we have been making in reducing disaster risk, we need to do more.

Strengthening climate information in food insecure districts in Malawi

07 Aug 2018 / The M-CLIMES Project, which is being implemented with funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) aims at increasing the farmers’ adaptive capacity and their decision-making through timely provision of climate-related risks information.

The positives of preparing for disaster

11 Jun 2018 / A guide to GCF’s support for climate change early warning systems

Malawi's farmers watch climate change

05 Jun 2018 / The Green Climate Fund pledged $12.3 million for a project led by the government and the United Nations Development Program (which commit $2.2 million and $ 1.8 million, respectively) dollars) to expand this early warning system to 75% of the districts for the benefit of 2 million people.