US climate envoy supports “indispensable” GCF role during climate forum
... the Paris agreement, the Fund was just approving its first projects. Five years later, the GCF has a portfolio of 173 projects in every region in the world, with a total value of over 30 billion. Many of these projects are enabling countries to put new ideas to work and ...
Article > Press release
Addressing the climate crisis: scaling up existing climate innovation and investment
... economic livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people. The projected 2.9 °C to 3.4°C of warming could trigger very ... in search of higher yields should flow to climate friendly projects, particularly in developing countries where the ... an investor will hesitate to invest in a renewable energy project if it takes several years to obtain a sitting ...
Article > Speech
GCF private sector conference explores how to break through finance barriers
... particularly the lack of access to affordable, long-term project finance.” GCF’s fourth private sector-focused ... out GCF’s USD 271.3 million investment in a climate project in his country will support the domestic private ... its private sector partnerships to support large-scale projects while also aiding the most climate vulnerable at ...
Article > Press release
Cook Islands get major boost in fight against climate change
... national procedures for developing and aligning climate projects with national priorities, better preparing the ... to access finance and implement transformative climate projects. In February 2016, the Cook Islands became the ... their ability to prepare, develop and implement climate projects, these countries are better able to access funding ...
Article > Story Cook Islands
Ministerial forum on forest finance
... who introduced the previous section. The USD 68 million project implemented by GIZ project and co-financed by GIZ in Lao PDR builds on such a ... safeguards and the rigorous vetting processes leading to project approval. This ensures that GCF finance is ...
Article > Speech
GCF at COP27
... for GCF to affirm its commitment to GGW through supporting projects across GGW countries. November 14 saw the ... the Global Dairy Platform (GDP) approved USD 3.5 million of project preparation funding to support the development of a ... also approved by GCF to receive support from the Fund’s Project Preparation Facility, a major step in the ...
Article > News update
What do gin and tonic, coffee and mountain climate risks have in common?
... in the future. So far, GCF has approved at least 31 projects in mountainous areas in 26 countries, with a total ... ‘sinking fund’ approach for the ‘Bhutan for Life’ project carried out with WWF is providing the national ... as well as water security. Most of GCF’s projects in mountain ecosystems are designed to restore and ...
Article > Insights
Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez
Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez (Fondo Acción) is a national entity aiming to promote activities that preserve, protect and manage natural and biological resources of Colombia in a sustainable and ecological...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Colombia
The Secretariat is headed by the Executive Director, who is appointed by and accountable to the Board. The Secretariat’s senior management team leads the various Offices and Departments of the Secretariat,...
Basic page
How can climate action balance the needs of nature and people?
... a recent Green Climate Fund (GCF) fact-finding mission to a project site introducing climate adaptation measures by ...
Article > Article about GCF Uganda
Themes & result areas
Our work aims to support paradigm shifts in both climate mitigation and climate adaptation efforts. GCF aims for a 50:50 balance between mitigation and adaptation investments over time...
Basic page
Green Guarantee Company (GGC)
The Green Guarantee Company (“GGC”) is an innovative finance solution which is proposing to use blended finance and guarantees to mobilise greater climate finance into Indonesia, the Philippines, Brazil, Trinidad &...
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Multiple countries
Adapting tuna-dependent Pacific Island communities and economies to climate change
On behalf of the Governments of Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Niue, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu, Conservation...
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Multiple countries
Policies: Investment
The GCF’s Investment Framework sets out the parameters which guide GCF’s investment decision-making and its assessment and consideration of Funding Proposals. The Investment Framework establishes the Fund’s...
Basic page > Policy map
Pathways to Dairy Net Zero: Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa
This PPF application will ensure the quality design of the regional programme titled Pathways to Dairy Net Zero: Promoting Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Livestock in East Africa.
It will enable public, private,...
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Multiple countries
MSMEs’ Climate Sound Technologies for Production Efficiency and Business Value in Kenya (MSMEs CST- Kenya)
This programme will tackle barriers that KCB, like other commercial banks, cannot overcome without the concessional funding from the GCF. These barriers encompass challenges of funding MSMEs and microfinance in the...
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Kenya
Financiera De Desarrollo Territorial S.A. (Findeter) is a national development bank headquartered in Colombia, organized as a credit institution and linked to the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit. It strives to...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Colombia
CGIAR System Organization
The Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centres (CGIAR) is an international entity headquartered in France that operates global. The applicant acts as the international development research centre of a...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International
Protected Areas Conservation Trust
The Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) is a national entity that was established by the Government of Belize to encourage and promote, for the benefit and enjoyment of the present and future generations of the...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Belize
National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development
The National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) is a national public-sector organisation based in Cambodia. NCDD is the secretariat for an interministerial mechanism for promoting democratic...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Cambodia
Finanzas Y Negocios Servicios Financieros Limitada
Finanzas y Negocios Servicios Financieros Limitada (FYNSA) is a national private sector entity based in Chile. Its mission is to provide advisory services and solutions for financial, commercial and investment...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Chile
Kemitraan bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan (Partnership for Governance Reform) (Indonesia)
Kemitraan bagi Pembaruan Tata Pemerintahan (The Partnership for Governance Reform) (Kemitraan) is a national direct access entity based in Indonesia. Kemitraan envisions establishing fair, democratic and sustainable...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Indonesia
Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Community Development and Investment Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic (ARIS) is a national direct access entity based in Kyrgyzstan. ARIS is a state-owned investment agency that has been attracting investments for...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National)
Yes Bank Limited (India)
Yes Bank Limited (Yes Bank) is a national private sector financial institute based in India. Yes Bank commits to contribute to the fulfilment of India’s nationally determined contributions for climate change by...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) India
Fonds Interprofessionnel pour la Recherche et le Conseil Agricoles
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National)
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National)
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