GCF/B.10/14 - Further Consideration of the Initial Term of Board Membership
Board document > Action item
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.22/09 - Report on the activities of the Co-Chairs
This document contains the report on the activities of the Co-Chairs from October 2018 to January 2019. The report is in two parts:
Report of the 2018 Co-Chairs (October to December 2018); and
Report of the 2019 Co-...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.22/19 - Dates and venues of the following meetings of the Board
This document has been prepared to assist the Board in confirming the dates and duration for the twenty-third meeting of the Board and deciding on the venues for the twenty-third and twenty-fourth meetings of the Board.
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.19/33 - Decisions proposed and approved between the eighteenth and nineteenth meetings of the Board
This document is intended to inform the Board on decisions proposed between the eighteenth and nineteenth meetings of the Board as at 19 February 2018.
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.17/09 - Status of the GCF portfolio: pipeline and approved projects
This document provides an update of the GCF portfolio, including the pipeline of projects and programmes for the reporting period of 1 February 2017 to 15 May 2017.
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.15/23 - Dates and venues of the following meetings of the Board
This document is intended to assist the Board in deciding on the dates and venues for its meetings in 2017.
Board document > Action item
ESS disclosure report: Annex 6 to Funding Proposals
As part of the Funding Proposal package, project proponents are requested to submit an Environmental and Social Safeguards (ESS) report, as annex 6, pursuant to GCF's Information Disclosure Policy.
Document > Template
Accreditation Master Agreement between GCF and IFC
This agreement, signed between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and International Finance Corporation (IFC), sets out the terms and conditions for the use of GCF resources. It formalises IFC’s accountability in carrying out...
Document > Accreditation Master Agreement IFC
Funding proposal pipeline update as of December 2017
As part of its transparency efforts, GCF regularly provides a summary of the status of its funding proposal pipeline. This document summarises the status of GCF's pipeline as of December 2017.
Document > Funding proposal pipeline update
Gender assessment for FP214: Thai Rice: strengthening climate-smart rice farming
This gender assessment for FP214: Thai Rice: Strengthening Climate-Smart Rice Farming seeks to present the issues, gaps and problems that should be addressed by gender-responsive project interventions.
Document > Gender assessment Thailand GIZ FP214
Gender assessment for FP215: Community Resilience Partnership Program
This gender assessment for FP215: Community Resilience Partnership Program seeks to present the issues, gaps and problems that should be addressed by gender-responsive project interventions.
Document > Gender assessment Multiple countries ADB FP215
Gender assessment for FP218: Building climate resilience in the landscapes of Kigoma region, Tanzania
This gender assessment for FP218: Building climate resilience in the landscapes of Kigoma region, Tanzania seeks to present the issues, gaps and problems that should be addressed by gender-responsive project...
Document > Gender assessment Tanzania UNEP FP218
Gender assessment for FP221: Rwanda Green Investment Facility (RGIF)
This gender assessment for FP221: Rwanda Green Investment Facility (RGIF) seeks to present the issues, gaps and problems that should be addressed by gender-responsive project interventions.
Document > Gender assessment Rwanda AfDB FP221
GCF discusses progress at Marrakech climate talks
The Green Climate Fund hosted its first side-event at the 22nd Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Climate Change in Marrakech to present the progress it has made to date in supporting low-emission and...
Article > Press release 
Executive Director’s remarks
Nobody questions the fact that conflict is a critical impediment to eradicating poverty and ensuring development and prosperity. Because of this, it should be of great concern to all of us to observe that the number of...
Article > Speech
Co-Chairs' expectations for the twelfth meeting of the Board
Board members and alternates from 37 countries have arrived in Songdo, Republic of Korea, for the twelfth meeting of the Board (B.12) of the Green Climate Fund, from 8 to 10 March 2016.
Co-Chairs Zaheer Fakir (South...
Article > Press release 
Delivering climate action –for people, planet & prosperity
Distinguished guests,
Thank you for inviting me to this key event as we approach the COP26 meeting in Glasgow. While global momentum is building, we are still not on track to achieve the Paris Agreement goals. One of...
Article > Speech
GCF/B.22/04 - Cancellation and restructuring policy
The document outlines a policy on cancellation and restructuring of approved projects of the Green Climate Fund. It builds on a review of the practices of other institutions, and the relevant accreditation master...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.20/13 - Consideration of accreditation proposals
This document presents an overview of accreditation progress up to 31 May 2018, including that associated with the accreditation process; an overview of the pipeline of applicant entities with information on support to...
Board document > Action item
Promoting private sector investment through large scale adoption of energy saving technologies and equipment for textile sector of Bangladesh
This approved Project Preparation Facility application was submitted by IDCOL to help finance the preparation of a Funding Proposal package.
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Bangladesh IDCOL
NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Mauritania through Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
With this request for the standardised readiness package for activity 1 and 2, Mauritania expects to establish a NDA and to see its technical and institutional capacities built to effectively fulfill its roles and...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Mauritania
Gender action plan for FP046: Renewable Energy Program #1 - Solar
This document outlines the gender action plan for project FP046: Renewable Energy Program #1 - Solar. Gender action plans seek to operationalise the constraints and opportunities for women and men identified during the...
Document > Gender action plan Mongolia XacBank FP046
Support of vulnerable communities in Maldives to manage climate change-induced water shortages
This document presents funding proposal "FP007: Support of vulnerable communities in Maldives to manage climate change-induced water shortages," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.11.
Document > Approved funding proposal Maldives UNDP FP007
Accreditation Master Agreement between GCF and CABEI
This agreement, signed between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), sets out the terms and conditions for the use of GCF resources. It formalises CABEI’s...
Document > Accreditation Master Agreement CABEI
Toward Risk-Aware and Climate-resilienT communities (TRACT)
This concept note provides basic information on the project/programme "Toward Risk-Aware and Climate-resilienT communities (TRACT)," and was submitted to allow the project proponent a chance to seek feedback from the...
Document > Concept note Maldives WMO
Integrating Climate Services for Decision Support in Benin’s Adaptation and Development Strategy
This concept note provides basic information on the project/programme "Integrating Climate Services for Decision Support in Benin’s Adaptation and Development Strategy," and was submitted to allow the project proponent...
Document > Concept note Benin UNDP
NDA Strengthening and Country Programming support for Papua New Guinea through GGGI
PNG places a high priority on accessing climate finance to assist in addressing its adaptation and mitigation needs. This Readiness Support proposal is the first attempt for PNG to access GCF funds to strengthen its...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Papua New Guinea
Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Study for Port of Port Louis
This proposal aims to provide a technology needs assessment and identification of adaptive measures to improve the resilience and sustainability of Port Louis harbour.
Document > Approved readiness proposal Mauritius UNEP
Strategic Framework support for Colombia through Asobancaria
The objective of this proposal is to support the implementation of tools, methodologies and financial instruments for the mobilization of funding from the Colombian Financial Institutions towards a portfolio of pilot...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Colombia
Gender action plan for FP214: Thai Rice: strengthening climate-smart rice farming
This document outlines the gender action plan for project FP214: Thai Rice: Strengthening Climate-Smart Rice Farming. Gender action plans seek to operationalise the constraints and opportunities for women and men...
Document > Gender action plan Thailand GIZ FP214 Pages
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