FP210 - KawiSafi II
The African continent collectively contributes only about 3% of the yearly global human-induced greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, the region is projected to experience more severe impacts from human-induced...
Project > Private sector Multiple countries
FP211 - Hardest-to-Reach
560 million people in the sub-Saharan region live without electricity and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future without adequate intervention. Investment barriers such as risky and nascent market, hard-to-...
Project > Private sector Multiple countries
FP212 - &Green Fund: Investing in Inclusive Agriculture and Protecting Forests
The 1.2 billion hectares of tropical forests around the world act as crucial hubs of biodiversity and play a vital role in regulating the world's water-supply while serving as massive carbon reservoirs. The restoration...
Project > Private sector Multiple countries
FP213 - The Blue Green Bank (BGB)
Barbados is faced with critical challenges from climate change. Increasing temperatures, a heightened frequency and intensity of hurricanes, and rising sea levels are leading to damaged infrastructure, an endangered...
Project > Private sector Barbados
SAP028 - Women-Adapt: Enhancing the climate change adaptive capacity of smallholder farmer communities in the Poro Region, focusing on vulnerable women and youth
Côte d’Ivoire, a coastal country in the Gulf of Guinea, is expected to be hit by rising temperatures, longer dry-spells and more intense and irregular precipitation patterns in the near-term future. In the Poro region,...
Project > Public sector Côte d'Ivoire
SAP029 - Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) for Reducing Community Vulnerability to Climate Change in Northern Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Coastal and marine environments play a key role for the communities that live in the Micronesian archipelago. The communities rely heavily on the rich biodiversity of the ecosystems that are found along the coasts for...
Project > Public sector Multiple countries
GCF Board approves new strategic plan and USD 756 million in new climate projects
The Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) concluded its thirty-sixth meeting in Incheon, Republic of Korea on 13 July with several major outcomes for climate action. Notably, during the four-day meeting, the Board...
Article > Press release
Policies and strategies
Policies and strategies
As part of its mandate, the GCF Board approves specific operational policies and guidelines, including for programming, project cycle, administration, and financial management. The Board also...
Basic page > Policy map
Strategic Plan
The GCF’s Strategic Plans set out the Board’s long-term strategic vision for the Fund, as well as its objectives, strategic priorities and operational priorities for its current programming period.
Basic page
GCF signs public-private partnership agreements to launch Global Subnational Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has joined forces with Pegasus Capital Advisors and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in an innovative bundling of public-private financing to plug a funding gap for...
Article > Press release
Eighth meeting of the GCF Board (B.08)
The eighth meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund will be held from Tuesday, 14 October to Friday, 17 October, in Bridgetown, Barbados.
Event > Board meeting
Initial Resource Mobilisation
Following a rapid institutional start-up phase, the GCF’s Initial Resource Mobilisation (IRM) in 2014 quickly raised USD 10.3 billion in pledges. Of this, USD 9.3 billion was confirmed.
Amount announced...
Basic page
Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples are unique and a distinct stakeholder of GCF. The rights of Indigenous Peoples are affirmed by international human rights instruments, including binding treaties and the United Nations...
Basic page
A tribute to Leo Paat Jr.
Three months ago the Green Climate Fund mourned the loss of Leonardo Paat, our dear friend and colleague. Leo died from COVID-19-related complications in August, several months after being diagnosed with the virus upon...
Article > Story
La Banque Agricole (formerly Caisse Nationale de Credit Agricole du Senegal)
La Banque Agricole (LBA) (formerly, Caisse Nationale de Crédit Agricole du Sénégal (CNCAS), is a direct access, private sector entity based in Senegal. LBA specializes in the financing of agricultural value chains with...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (National) Senegal
Central American Bank for Economic Integration
The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), is a regional entity that was established with the objective of promoting economic integration and balanced economic and social development in Central America...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), Direct (Regional)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), is an international organization whose main goals are the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and the...
Organisation > Accredited Entity (AE), International Pages
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