GCF/B.23/22 - Standards for the Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy
This document proposes Standards for the Implementation of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy as mandated by decision B.18/10, paragraph (b).
Board document > Action item
Green Climate Fund Board approves USD 267 million for climate action, agrees decision-making procedures
The 23rd meeting of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Board approved ten new projects and agreed procedures for adopting decisions in the event that all efforts at reaching consensus have been exhausted.
The Board allocated...
Article > Press release
Joint statement by GCF and GGGI
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) highly appreciate the announcement by President Moon Jae-in on October 28 to commit to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The NetZero2050...
Article > Statement
Establishing resilient, low carbon agricultural systems in Tonga, Vanuatu and Samoa
Rising sea levels, decreasing rainfall, more intense storms and increasing temperatures are projected to reduce agricultural production. The impacts of climate change will therefore exacerbate baseline land degradation...
Document > Approved project preparation funding application Multiple countries SPC
The Green Climate Fund and Africa Finance Corporation sign project agreement for the Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund (ICRF)
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) and Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) signed a project agreement to begin implementing the Infrastructure Climate Resilient Fund (ICRF). As an innovative finance instrument established to...
Article > News update AFC
FP033 - Accelerating the transformational shift to a low-carbon economy in the Republic of Mauritius
Helping Mauritius mainstream renewable energy and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.
With imported fossil fuels supplying 84 percent of Mauritius’ primary energy requirements, the country is vulnerable to outside...
Project > Public sector Mauritius UNDP
Plugging the finance gap in the Caribbean
The Green Climate Fund announced a new co-financing platform at COP28 in Dubai, with funding of USD 1.2 million to develop the initiative.
The Green Climate Fund’s portfolio is growing through support provided to the...
Article > News update CCCCC
Enhancing Angola’s Access to Climate Finance for Sustainable Transport and Sustainable Landscape (AFOLU) Sectors
Climate change poses a severe threat to Angola’s economy and its population. About 80% of the most frequent disasters recorded in Angola are directly associated with hydro-climatic events: water scarcity or excess....
Document > Approved readiness proposal Angola GGGI
Strengthening Adaptation Planning and Coordination in Namibia
Namibia’s socio-ecological characteristics make it one of the most vulnerable developing countries to the impacts of climate change. Namibia’s climate is characterised by regular dry spells, persistent droughts, and...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Namibia
FP005 - KawiSafi Ventures Fund
Creating a new investment fund, KawiSafi, to drive off-grid solar power in East Africa. Investing in 10-15 clean energy companies, initially in Rwanda and Kenya, providing household solar technologies. Aiming to drive a...
Project > Private sector Kenya Rwanda Acumen
GCF/B.21/31/Rev.01 - Programmatic policy approach
This document provides guidance on the programmatic approach of the Green Climate Fund to funding proposals, including the definition and principles of a programme, the requirements for preparing a programmatic funding...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.21/Inf.11/Rev.01 - Status of the GCF pipeline, including the status of Project Preparation Facility requests
This document provides an update of the GCF pipeline of projects and programmes, including the status of Project Preparation Facility applications, for the reporting period of 1 May to 31 August 2018.
Board document > Information
GCF/B.20/Inf.09 - Reports from committees, panels and group of the Board of the Green Climate Fund
This document contains the reports on activities that have already conducted or are planned to be undertaken by the following committees and panels of the Board of the Green Climate Fund during the reporting period from...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.19/29 - Policy on fees for accredited entities and delivery partners
This document presents, for the Board’s consideration, a revised policy on fees for accredited entities and delivery partners. This document also outlines the project management costs, which are the direct...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.18/04/Add.12 - Funding proposal package for FP057
This addendum contains the following three parts:
A funding proposal summary titled “Climate action for rural development: community-based adaptation and mitigation in Argentina”;
No-objection letters issued by the...
Board document > Action item
Invitation for 12th Round of Application for Accreditation as Observer Organization
In line with the Governing Instrument for the Green Climate Fund (the GCF) and the Rules of Procedures of the Board, the Co-Chairs in consultation with the Board, invite accredited observer organizations to the...
Document > Notification
GCF/B.15/Inf.09 - Building country-driven pipelines: update on country programmes and entity work programmes
The document provides an update on the preparation of country programmes and entity work programmes in the context of the implementation of the initial strategic plan for the GCF.
It gives an overview of a programming...
Board document > Information
GCF/B.13/21 - Policies on ethics and conflicts of interest for other Board appointed officials and active observers
This document informs on the proposed policy of ethics and conflicts of interest for Board appointed officials of the Green Climate Fund (heads of the accountability units), following on Board decisions B.09/03 and B.10...
Board document > Action item
GCF/B.08/02 - Guidelines for the Operationalization of the Fit-for-purpose Accreditation Approach
This document sets out the guidelines for the operationalization of the fit‐for‐purpose accreditation approach. In developing this document, the Secretariat consulted with a wide range of experts and conducted a...
Board document > Action item
Upscaling climate resilience measures in the dry corridor agroecosystems of El Salvador (RECLIMA)
This document presents funding proposal "FP089: Upscaling climate resilience measures in the dry corridor agroecosystems of El Salvador (RECLIMA)," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.21.
Document > Approved funding proposal El Salvador FAO
Building livelihood resilience to climate change in the upper basins of Guatemala's highlands
This document presents funding proposal "FP087: Building livelihood resilience to climate change in the upper basins of Guatemala's highlands," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.21.
Document > Approved funding proposal Guatemala IUCN
Adaptation Planning support for Costa Rica through UNEP
The proposed GCF project aims to build sustainable country capacity in identifying, prioritizing, planning and implementing measures that address a diversity of local adaptation needs. The ultimate objective of the...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Costa Rica UNEP
Energy efficient consumption loan
This document presents funding proposal "SAP004: Energy efficient consumption loan," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.21.
Document > Approved funding proposal Mongolia XacBank
Environmental and social safeguards (ESS) report for FP032: Enhancing Women and Girls Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Bangladesh
This document presents relevant environmental and social safeguards (ESS) information about FP032: Enhancing Women and Girls Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Bangladesh. Project and programme funding proposals...
Document > Environmental and Social Safeguards report Bangladesh UNDP
Africa Hydromet Program: Strengthening climate resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Mali country project
This document presents funding proposal "FP012: Africa Hydromet Program: Strengthening climate resilience in Sub-Saharan Africa: Mali country project," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund at B.13.
Document > Approved funding proposal Mali WorldBank
Enhancing adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with climate change induced salinity
This document presents funding proposal "FP069: Enhancing adaptive capacities of coastal communities, especially women, to cope with climate change induced salinity," as approved by the Board of the Green Climate Fund...
Document > Approved funding proposal Bangladesh UNDP
Accreditation Master Agreement between GCF and WWF (First amendment)
This agreement, signed between the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the World Wildlife Fund Inc. (WWF), sets out the terms and conditions for the use of GCF resources. It formalises WWF’s accountability in carrying out GCF-...
Document > Accreditation Master Agreement WWF
Strategic Frameworks support for Mongolia through GGGI
This proposal seeks funding to support the Government of Mongolia (GoM) in establishing and scaling up a national financing vehicle to bring long‐term finance to projects and programs that stimulate green growth....
Document > Approved readiness proposal Mongolia
Readiness grant agreement for Dominican Republic (DOM‐RS‐001)
Following approval of a readiness request, legal arrangements are concluded in the form of a grant agreement with the grant recipient which includes and incorporates the Standard Conditions. This readiness grant...
Document > Approved readiness proposal Dominican Republic (the)
KfW - Flood Protection Bamako
This concept note provides basic information on the project/programme "KfW - Flood Protection Bamako," and was submitted to allow the project proponent a chance to seek feedback from the GCF Secretariat about whether...
Document > Concept note Mali KfW Pages
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