Country readiness

GCF's Readiness Programme provides resources for countries to efficiently engage with GCF

Readiness resources

The content of this page will soon be revised

GCF is transitioning to a programmatic approach to readiness according to its new 2024-2027 Readiness Strategy. Learn more about the new approach here.

The following documents, templates and multimedia resources provide in-depth information and guidance to accessing and implementing readiness support.

Approved readiness proposals are published according to GCF's Information Disclosure Policy (IDP). National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and/or Focal Points (FPs) may view these proposals for informational and inspiration purposes in designing new readiness proposals.

Guidelines and templates

The GCF Secretariat has developed a guidebook and templates for readiness proposal submission and progress monitoring of approved grants. Grant recipients are required to use these templates in submitting proposals and reporting to the GCF.

As per the Board decision (B.29/01), the Secretariat developed a guidance note and templates for a new funding window dedicated to Direct Access Entities (DAEs) for their implementation of GCF’s integrated results management framework (IRMF). Accredited DAEs are encouraged to refer to the guidance note and use these templates in submitting proposals to access this new funding.

Readiness and Preparatory Support guidebook: A practical guide on how to prepare readiness proposals and how to implement readiness grants

05 Apr 2023

The content of this document will soon be revised GCF is transitioning to a programmatic approach to readiness according to its new 2024-2027 Readiness Strategy. Learn more about the new approach here.

Readiness knowledge bank

The Readiness Knowledge Bank (RKB) is an online platform to share data, information, knowledge, and lessons learned from the Readiness Programme. The knowledge and data presented in this platform are generated throughout the Readiness Programme cycle from origination to project completion.

It provides easy access to a curated collection of relevant content in a one-stop platform that serves our stakeholders, including but not limited to:

  • Countries, Readiness Delivery Partners, accreditation applicants, Accredited Entities, and potential project proponents
  • Climate finance donors
  • Other climate funds, UNFCCC, Civil Society Organisations, and academia
  • GCF Secretariat

The RKB intends to:

  • Enable countries to easily access general information about the RPSP and refer to other countries’ success stories to improve their countries’ readiness programming.
  • Support DPs, AEs, and accreditation applicants in knowledge efforts with respect to the benefits and potential support of the RPSP that may serve their needs. They can also use the RKB as a venue to promote their success stories.
  • Optimize information sharing and dissemination for stakeholders including donors to enable them to access information about the RPSP in an effective manner. This includes how it facilitates climate actions and capacity building of countries and project partners as the RKB presents evidence-based results as well as testimonials from implementation.
  • The RKB features extensive information and data in the four menus as follows:
  • Results: Readiness dashboards on the portfolio performance and project data and Data Stories which feature visualizations of Readiness results  
  • Success Stories: details on the journeys to empowerment and climate action of countries and delivery partners funded through Readiness support  
  • Tools and guidance: guiding documents and templates curated to assist audience understand and navigate the GCF processes across the seven stages of the Readiness programme cycle 
  • Policies, research and evaluation: GCF Board decisions and policies, and IEU studies related to the Readiness Programme

Visit the Readiness knowledge bank

Other resources

The following resources are developed by the Secretariat on specific operational and substantive topics under the Readiness Programme to assist NDAs and Delivery Partners in their development and implementation of effective readiness grants.


Information session 1 on the operational modalities for the 2024-2027 strategy

07 Jun 2024

On June 7, the GCF held an information session on the new Readiness Operational Modalities. The session was the first in a series of regular information sessions on the 2024-2027 strategy for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. During this session, we addressed questions with respect to the access and utilization of the Country support window, including updates issued on May 27, 2024 on the continued readiness support throughout 2024. To accommodate different time zones, the session was held at two different times:

Soft launch of the operational modalities for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme

15 Apr 2024

The Green Climate Fund (GCF) held the virtual soft launch of the operational modalities for the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. The session provided an overview of the implementation details of the readiness strategy for 2024-2027, with the objective of initiating and piloting approaches that facilitate learning and refinement in the first year.

Webinar on the updated Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme

16 Apr 2020

As a result of the Board decision on the revised Readiness and Preparatory Programme (RPSP) strategy for 2019-2021, the RPSP guidebook is expanded with additional information and guidance to address the substantive and operational changes authorized by the Board. This webinar presented the new proposal templates and updated RPSP guidebook.

Video tutorial on re-submitting readiness proposals via the Fluxx system

14 Apr 2021

Video tutorial on submitting readiness proposals via the Fluxx system

14 Apr 2021

Readiness documents