Country readiness

GCF's Readiness Programme provides resources for countries to efficiently engage with GCF

Adaptation planning

The content of this page will soon be revised

GCF is transitioning to a programmatic approach to readiness according to its new 2024-2027 Readiness Strategy. Learn more about the new approach here.

GCF's support for the formulation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and other adaptation planning processes is available to all developing countries as part of the Readiness Programme. This support will enable developing countries to plan and attract larger scale finance for more resilient futures by strengthening their adaptation planning processes. These planning processes are key building blocks of countries' ongoing efforts to bolster adaptive capacities, attract investment in adaptation from a diversity of sources, and to help galvanise public and private sector-led actions to make societies more climate-resilient.

The application process for this support window follows the Readiness application process. Unlike non-NAP Readiness, adaptation planning proposals can be submitted on a rolling basis.

No of approved requests


Total resources approved (USD)


Total resources disbursed (USD)


Geographical distribution
Priority countries

As of 31 August 2021

Areas of support

One of the four objectives under the Readiness Programme is fully dedicated to adaptation planning (Objective 3: Strengthened adaptation planning). Under this objective, GCF's support for adaptation planning is designed to be country-driven, evidence-based and gender-sensitive. Approved readiness proposals provide support for one of more of the following outcomes.

  1. Inter and intra-institutional coordination and decision-making mechanisms
  2. Stakeholder engagement frameworks and agreements
  3. Adaptation impact monitoring, evaluation and learning systems
  4. National, sub-national and/or sectoral plans
  1. Climate hazard impact, vulnerability and risk studies
  2. Consolidation and sharing of climate studies
  3. Communication to relevant public, private and civil society decision-makers and other stakeholders
  4. Policy and regulatory frameworks
  1. Policy guidelines or regulations to remove barriers and incentivize adaptation investment
  2. Private sector actors engaged in national, sectoral and/or sub-national adaptation planning
  3. Adaptation planning for climate resilience of individual businesses and supply chains
  4. Matching private financiers with solutions
  1. Project and programme concept notes
  2. Financing strategies for specific adaptation priorities
  3. Systems for prioritising adaptation project / programme ideas
  4. System for tracking adaptation finance

Flexible Use of GCF Resources for Adaptation Planning

Countries have the option of accessing the USD 3 million cap through one proposal with one Delivery Partner, or through a set of multiple sequential proposals. A 'phased' approach to accessing the resources can enable countries to 'learn by doing' and thereby benefit from the iterative nature of adaptation. National Designated Authorities (NDAs) also have the flexibility to involve multiple Delivery Partners in different proposals and to thereby access the most relevant expertise for formulation of adaptation planning activities. Delivery Partners for adaptation planning and other GCF Readiness proposals can be implemented by any organisation, regardless if they are a GCF Accredited Entity, as long as they undergo a Financial Management Capacity Assessment.

Technical Assistance

GCF provides technical assistance to countries using a national and/or regional delivery partner to formulate adaptation planning proposals. This support strengthens national and local adaptation planning processes by bolstering capacity. This facility helps countries develop adaptation planning theory of change, articulate country specific climate rationale and integrate relevant stakeholders in national and sub-national planning.