RFP 2022/019: Consultancy services for Advisory Support to the GCF Secretariat in the Development of the Readiness Results Management Framework Procedures, Guidelines and Trainings

​​​​GCF is seeking to contract a qualified, reputable and experienced Firm to provide consultancy services for Advisory Support to the GCF Secretariat in the Development of the Readiness Results Management Framework Procedures, Guidelines and Trainings. The terms of reference included in Annex 1 provides the details of the assignment and expected deliverables.

Proposals must be submitted to the GCF no later than the extended deadline of  31 August 2022: 16:00 Hrs Korean Time hrs (time)  Korean time.


A copy to the RRMF can be found through the below link: https://greenclimate-my.sharepoint.com/:x:/g/personal/amatheka_gcfund_or... 

Publication date 02 August 2022
31 August 2022
Procurement type
Request for proposal
Reference # RFP 2022/019
Status Closed