GCF 101 – New guide on how to access the Green Climate Fund
The Green Climate Fund launches “GCF 101” – a new web-based guide that provides Partners with detailed information on how to access the Fund’s resources.
The Green Climate Fund launches “GCF 101” – a new web-based guide that provides Partners with detailed information on how to access the Fund’s resources. The guide aims to help GCF stakeholders better navigate the many elements of engaging with the Fund.
GCF 101 is simple. Four distinct chapters address the different opportunities the Fund provides to help developing countries respond to climate change: (1) Empowering countries; (2) Getting Accredited; (3) Funding projects; and (4) Implementing projects.
Each chapter provides a short overview, a simple step-by-step guide explaining how to apply or access the Fund; and a series of frequently asked questions that tease out more information. Through this approach, the guide increases clarity on the Fund’s main processes as well as transparency.
GCF 101 uses non-technical language to make GCF processes easy to understand for non-expert audiences. This approach accords with the GCF mandate to support country ownership of climate finance and recognizes the personnel capacity challenges facing many of the targets of GCF support – such as Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and African States.
Like the GCF itself, the ‘101’ is a work in progress. It will be updated and modified as processes evolve.
Explore GCF101 here.