10th anniversary of GCF in Korea
Incheon, Songdo, South Korea, Convensia, Premier Ball room (A, B)
14 November 2023
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) was established under the Cancun Agreements in 2010 as a dedicated financing vehicle for developing countries serving the Financial Mechanism of the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. Through a competitive process, the Republic of Korea was selected by the GCF Board as the host country in 2012. In December 2013, GCF headquarters were established in Song-do, Incheon Metropolitan City.
Since then, as the world’s largest dedicated multilateral climate fund, GCF has made significant progress. Since 2019, the portfolio of GCF projects has more than doubled from USD 5.1 billion to USD 13.5 billion; projects number more than 240; about 1 billion people have been impacted through increased resilience, and there has been an estimated 3.0 billion tonne reduction in global CO2 emissions.
2023 marks the 10th anniversary of GCF headquarters’ establishment in Korea. Through the 10th anniversary event, in addition to the celebration, the event will look back on the “Past”, examine the “Present”, and prepare for the “Future”.