Terms of reference for a pilot phase enhancing direct access to the Green Climate Fund

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Terms of reference for a pilot phase enhancing direct access to the Green Climate Fund
Adopted by decision B.10/04. The objective of the pilot phase for enhancing direct access is to allow for an effective operationalisation of modalities with the potential to enhance access by sub-national, national and regional, public and private entities.
Cover date
09 July 2015
Document type
Policies, strategies, and guidelines
Table of contents
- Objective of the pilot phase
- Steps of the pilot phase
- Role of NDAs and focal points
- National oversight and steering function and multi-stakeholder engagement
- Type of entities to be involved in implementation
- Accreditation and the Fund’s standards
- Type of activities to be considered
- Indicative content of proposals
- Monitoring, evaluation and timeline of the pilot phase
- Financial volume of the pilot phase