B.21/15: Consideration of funding proposals

The Board, having considered document GCF/B.21/10/Rev.01 titled “Consideration of funding proposals”:

  1. Takes note of the following funding proposals:
    1. Funding proposal 082 titled “Catalyzing Climate Finance (Shandong Green Development Fund)”, by the Asian Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.01, 14 and 30;
    2. Funding proposal 083 titled “Indonesia Geothermal Resource Risk Mitigation Project”, by the World Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.02/Rev.01 and 30;
    3. Funding proposal 084 titled “Enhancing climate resilience of India’s coastal communities” by the United Nations Development Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.03 and 30;
    4. Funding proposal 085 titled “Green BRT Karachi”, by the Asian Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.04 and 30;
    5. Funding proposal 086 titled “Green Cities Facility”, by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.05, 15 and 30;
    6. Funding proposal 087 titled “Building livelihood resilience to climate change in the upper basins of Guatemala’s highlands” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.06 and 30;
    7. Funding proposal 089 titled “Upscaling climate resilience measures in the dry corridor agroecosystems of El Salvador (RECLIMA)” by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.08 and 30;
    8. Funding proposal 090 titled “Tonga Renewable Energy Project under the Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Investment Program”, by the Asian Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.09 and 30;
    9. Funding proposal 091 titled “South Tarawa Water Supply Project”, by the Asian Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.10 and 30;
    10. Funding proposal 092 titled “Programme for integrated development and adaptation to climate change in the Niger Basin (PIDACC/NB)” by the African Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.11 and 30;
    11. Funding proposal 093 titled “Yeleen Rural Electrification Project in Burkina Faso” by the African Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.16 and 30;
    12. Funding proposal 094 titled “Ensuring climate resilient water supplies in the Comoros Islands” by the United Nations Development Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.13 and 30;
    13. Funding proposal 095 titled “Transforming Financial Systems for Climate” by Agence Française de Développement, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.22;
    14. Funding proposal 096 titled “DRC Green Mini-Grid Program” by the African Development Bank, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.23;
    15. Funding proposal 097 titled “Productive Investment Initiative for Adaptation to Climate Change (CAMBio II)” by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.24;
    16. Funding proposal 098 titled “DBSA Climate Finance Facility” by Development Bank of Southern Africa, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add. 25;
    17. Funding proposal 099 titled “Climate Investor One” by Nederlandse Financierings- Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V., as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.26/Rev.01;
    18. Simplified approval process (SAP) funding proposal 002 titled “Climate services and diversification of climate sensitive livelihoods to empower food insecure and vulnerable communities in the Kyrgyz Republic” by the World Food Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.33 and 34;
    19. Simplified approval process (SAP) funding proposal 003 titled “Enhancing climate resilience of the water sector in Bahrain” by the United Nations Environment Programme, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.35 and 36; and
    20. Simplified approval process (SAP) funding proposal 004 titled “Energy Efficient Consumption Loan Programme” by XacBank LLC, as contained in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.37 and 38;
  2. Approves funding proposal FP083 for the amount of USD 100,000,000, submitted by the World Bank, as described in the funding proposal set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.02/Rev.01, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  3. Decides in respect of funding proposal FP083 that the World Bank may seek further approval of the Board at meetings of the Board or through decisions between meetings of commitment of further funding in an amount, when aggregated with the amounts previously approved by the Board, no greater than USD 185,000,000, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV;
  4. Also approves funding proposal 084 for the amount of USD 43,418,606, submitted by the United Nations Development Programme, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  5. Further approves funding proposal 085 for the amount of USD 49,000,000, submitted by the Asian Development Bank, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  6. Approves funding proposal FP086 for the amount of EUR 87,000,000, submitted by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as described in the addendum to the funding proposal set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.15, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  7. Decides in respect of funding proposal FP086 that the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development may seek further approval of the Board at meetings of the Board or through decisions between meetings of commitment of further funding, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV on two occasions, provided that such request is:
    1. On the first occasion, for an amount no greater than EUR 87,000,000; and
    2. On the second occasion, when aggregated with the amounts previously approved by the Board, in an amount no greater than EUR 228,000,000;
  8. Also approves funding proposal 087 for the amount of USD 22,035,512, submitted by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  9. Further approves funding proposal 089 for the amount of USD 35,849,612, submitted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  10. Approves funding proposal 090 for the amount of USD 29,900,000, submitted by the Asian Development Bank, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  11. Also approves funding proposal 091 for the amount of USD 28,631,020, submitted by the Asian Development Bank, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  12. Further approves funding proposal 092 for the amount of USD 67,774,000, submitted by the African Development Bank, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  13. Approves funding proposal 093 for the amount of EUR 24,300,000, submitted by the African Development Bank , subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  14. Also approves funding proposal 094 for the amount of USD 41,919,808, submitted by the United Nations Development Programme, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.30/Rev.01;
  15. Further approves funding proposal FP095, for the amount of EUR 240,000,000, submitted by Agence Française de Développement, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.22;
  16. Approves funding proposal 096 for the amount of USD 21,000,000, submitted by the African Development Bank, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.23;
  17. Also approves funding proposal 097 for the amount of USD 15,500,000, submitted by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.24;
  18. Further approves funding proposal 098 for the amount of USD 55,610,000, submitted by the Development Bank of Southern Africa, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.25;
  19. Approves funding proposal 099 for the amount of USD 100,000,000, submitted by Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V., subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.26/Rev.01;
  20. Also approves simplified approval process (SAP) funding proposal 002 for the amount of USD 8,576,108, submitted by the World Food Programme, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.34;
  21. Further approves simplified approval process (SAP) funding proposal 003 for the amount of USD 2,158,500 submitted by the United Nations Environment Programme which shall be used to finance exclusively the activities under output 1.1 of component 1 and USD 161,888 to finance the project management cost, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.36;
  22. Approves simplified approval process (SAP) funding proposal 004 for the amount of USD 10,000,000, submitted by XacBank LLC, subject to the conditions set out in annex XV and in the respective term sheet set out in document GCF/B.21/10/Add.38;
  23. Decides to defer its further consideration of funding proposal 082 to the next meeting of the Board;
  24. Reaffirms that pursuant to annex IV to decision B.17/09, the Executive Director or his designee is authorized to negotiate and enter into legal agreements on behalf of the GCF with accredited entities and other parties involved in respect of funding proposals approved by the Board, taking into account any condition approved by the Board in this decision and in the decision accrediting the relevant accredited entity; and
  25. Authorizes the Secretariat to disburse fees for each funded project/programme approved by the Board as per the disbursement schedule to be agreed in the funded activity agreement in accordance with the policy on fees and the general principles and indicative list of eligible costs covered under GCF fees and project management costs adopted by the Board pursuant to decision B.19/09.