Independent State of Papua New Guinea

Asia-Pacific  Small Island Developing States 


No. of projects


Total GCF financing


No. of Readiness activities


Readiness support approved


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Multiple countries

Community Resilience Partnership Program


Multiple countries

Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Investment Program

National Designated Authority

Office of Climate Change and Development
Mr. Ruel Yamuna Primary
Special Envoy for Climate and Environment
Dynasty Tower, Stratos Avenue, Waigani, National Capital District, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Mr. Jonah Auka Operational focal point

GCF Team

Diane McFadzien
Regional Manager
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Samantha Rabine
Regional Officer
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Princess Kaite Corporal
Regional Analyst
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News + Stories

GCF talks renewable energy with Alliance of Small Island States

19 Oct 2017 / GCF participated in the recent high-level meeting of 17 ministers of Energy and Environment of the the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).

Shoring up early warning systems for Asia-Pacific SIDS

29 Sep 2017 / Five island countries in the Asia-Pacific region are teaming up with the WMO to boost their resilience to weather events.

Papua New Guinea zooms in on GCF at first national workshop

06 Dec 2016 / The ‘what and how’ of engaging with GCF was the focus of a one-day workshop held to advance the country’s climate agenda and its access to the Fund.