Republic of Liberia

Africa  African States  Least Developed Countries 


No. of projects


Total GCF financing


No. of Readiness activities


Readiness support approved


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Multiple countries

&Green Fund: Investing in Inclusive Agriculture and Protecting Forests



Monrovia Metropolitan Climate Resilience Project



Enhancing Climate Information Systems for Resilient Development in Liberia (Liberia CIS)

National Designated Authority

Environmental Protection Agency
Dr. Emmanuel Yarkpawolo Primary
Executive Director/CEO
4th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia
Phone +231778165702
Mr Zargou Whapoe Secondary
Coordinator, National Climate Change Secretariat (NCCS)
4th Street, Sinkor, Monrovia, Liberia

GCF Team

Chihenyo Kangara
Regional Manager
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Sun Cho
Regional Officer
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Junghwan Yoo
Regional Analyst
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News + Stories

Looking back on success of Liberia's NAP process in 2019

07 Feb 2020 / Liberia’s National Adaptation Plan (NAP) process achieved major milestones in 2019 that were recently highlighted through a ‘year in review’ documentary. Looking back on the past year, the mini-documentary outlines the measures taken by the government of Liberia to advance their adaptation planning in climate sensitive sectors, working with national and technical partners.

GCF Board gathers in Liberia to discuss strategy to better support climate action

05 Feb 2020 / Monrovia – Board members, advisors and active observers are convening here to discuss how the Green Climate Fund (GCF) can sharpen its vision and strategic priorities to deliver greater impact in support of climate action in the developing countries it serves.

Liberia receives first instalment of USD 2.2m GCF grant for climate adaptation

10 Jul 2017 / The Government of Liberia has recently received USD 805,000 as part of a USD 2.2 million Green Climate Fund grant to support its national climate adaptation planning process.

GCF concludes Framework Agreements with UNDP, UNEP and GIZ to support country readiness

30 Nov 2016 / GCF has concluded Readiness Framework Agreements with UNDP, UNEP, and GIZ, enabling the three organisations to serve as readiness support delivery partners with the Fund.

GCF approves first grants for National Adaptation Planning in Liberia and Nepal

15 Nov 2016 / GCF today announced the approval of its first grants in support of processes to develop National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).