
Thirty-first meeting of the Board

Document cover for Thirty-first meeting of the Board

Thirty-first meeting of the Board

The thirty-first meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund will be held from 12 PM to 4 PM (UTC) each day from Monday, 28 March to Thursday, 31 March 2022, in a virtual format.

The B.31 logistics note and the manual for the virtual meeting will be made available on the GCF website in due course.

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Gender action plan for FP025: Scaling up private sector climate finance through local financial institutions (GCF-EBRD SEFF co-financing Programme)

Document cover for Gender action plan for FP025: Scaling up private sector climate finance through local financial institutions (GCF-EBRD SEFF co-financing Programme)

Gender action plan for FP025: Scaling up private sector climate finance through local financial institutions (GCF-EBRD SEFF co-financing Programme)

This document outlines the gender action plan for project FP025: Scaling up private sector climate finance through local financial institutions (GCF-EBRD SEFF co-financing Programme). Gender action plans seek to operationalise the constraints and opportunities for women and men identified during the gender analysis towards fully integrating them into the project design.

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