SAP Technical Guidelines: Water security

This publication provides technical guidance for the preparation of simplified approval process (SAP) proposals for water security projects. GCF defines the water sector as encompassing surface freshwater resources and groundwater, but not oceans. Since the water sector is interlinked with several other sectors, such as agriculture and ecosystems, it is necessary to delineate its scope. Thus, the emphasis in this technical guidance a is on four sub-sectors:

  • Integrated water resources management (IWRM)
  • Climate resilient water, sanitation, and hygiene (CR-WASH)
  • Integrated drought management (IDM)
  • Integrated flood management (IFM)

For water-related activities not clearly within the scope above, please refer to the relevant SAP technical guidance in addition to this one.

Please note that the English document is currently the most up to date version of the technical guideline. The French and Spanish translations are being reviewed and will be soon available for download.

Cover date 21 February 2023
Document type Publication Guides