Updating and operationalizing the Chad Country Programme through increased national capacity & a strong pipeline of projects

Updating and operationalizing the Chad Country Programme through increased national capacity & a strong pipeline of projects
The Republic of Chad has received a first grant of USD 300,000 from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) as part of its Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. This initial support, implemented between March 2017 and November 2018 by Le Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE) as Delivery Partner (DP), had two objectives (i) capacity building for the National Designated Authority (NDA) / Point Focal, and (ii) the establishment of a strategic framework for engagement with the GCF, notably the development of a Country Programme. During this first phase, convincing results were achieved in terms of (i) capacity building of key national stakeholders through workshops and consultations, (ii) setting up of the DNA, (iii) development a Country Programme, (iv) creation of a website (www.fvc-tchad.org) and finally (vi) development of a no-objection procedure. However, despite the efforts made during this phase, gaps still remain, including : i) limited capacities for preparing and implementing climate-funded programs and projects (design, planning, monitoring and evaluation); ii) limited capacity to use the NOP ; iii) lack of visibility of climate finance flows in the country, and lack of MRV system to track such sources of funding; iv) limited capacity of the private sector to generate climate-related projects which could be funded by international climate funds; etc. Consequently, the NDA in collaboration with the National Water Fund (FNE) as Delivery Partner, requests preparatory support from the GCF in order to respond to these challenges.
This second readiness request builds on the achievements of the first one, and aims to operationalize the Chad Country Programme through increased national capacity & a strong pipeline of projects. More specifically, the objectives are to:
- Strengthen the institutional capacities of Chad’s key climate stakeholders, in particular the NDA to lead and coordinate national responses and strategies in the face of climate change with a focus on the gaps that hinder the mobilization of resources from international climate funds, particularly those of the GCF;
- Operationalize the No-Objection Procedure;
- Develop a strong pipeline of projects with GCF concept notes ready to be submitted;
- Mobilize the national Private Sector for an active engagement with the GCF and investments in the fields of mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The funding of this request will allow Chad to consolidate the capacities of its NDA and of the key players at national level to implement the Country programme. The expected impact of implementing this request is for Chad to reduce its climate investment deficit and make significant progress towards low-carbon and climate resilient development. The main beneficiaries of this grant are hence the NDA, the private sector operators, and the sector ministries which will be supported in preparing their GCF concept notes.