Update of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Biodiversity

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Update of the Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Biodiversity

Chile’s climate change strategy approaches adaptation through one transversal plan, nine sectoral plans and a series of cross-cutting and inter-sectoral measures, which are defined in the National Adaptation Plan on Climate Change of 2014 (NAP-2014) and the National Action Plan on Climate Change (PANCC) 2017-2022. 

The Biodiversity adaptation plan (NAP Bio1), one of the original nine sectoral plans,with an expiry date of July 2019 was designed between 2011-2013 and approved in 2014. The government identified several gaps in this NAP Bio 2014, the gaps are: the lack of appropriate implementation arrangements and governance for the execution of measures along with very weak stakeholder participation; the lack of economic assessments of the plan, measures, costs of implementation and costs of no action; lack of an investment plan and a specific strategy for the mobilization of resources, including the private sector; the lack of definition of goals, indicators and a monitoring system; the lack of integration of the first NAP Bio regarding a more strong and effective local action and intersectoral action to engage institutions from the national and regional governments and municipalities in the NAP Bio; the lack of connection between the NDC commitments for biodiversity and the NAP Bio; the lack of information from the coastal, marine and freshwater bodies, continental and island territories and species biodiversity, the loss and alteration of these ecosystems due to climate change, and measures to overcome adaptation; and the lack of private sector involvement in the first NAP Bio.  

The main objective of this proposal is to strengthen the government capacities to lead the adaptation process in the biodiversity sector in Chile, and to update the NAP-Bio from 2019. 

Cover date 03 December 2021
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations