Tunisia Readiness support for NDA capacity building and project pipeline development through OSS

Tunisia Readiness support for NDA capacity building and project pipeline development through OSS
Tunisia's engagement with the GCF is an opportunity to mobilize significant resources to finance the implementation of its National Climate Change Strategy (SNCC) developed in 2012, its intended national determined Contribution (INDC / INDC) submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in 2015, and its National Strategy for the Green Economy (SNEV) finalized in 2016. This commitment will also be an opportunity to upgrade, in terms of climate finance, the institutions which are involved in the climate change issue, as well as the private companies and financial institutions that are to be involved.
Tunisia benefited from the support of the Green Climate Fund to carry out its preparation for access to finance and the establishment of the Designated National Authority (readiness grant #1). The activities allowed to establish a Designated National Authority (DNA), elaborate the Non-Objection Mechanism, as well as to fill certain capacity gaps and strengthen the effective engagement of relevant stakeholders (public sector, private sector, civil society and media). The development of the Country Program has also started and will take into account the country's priorities in terms of climate change to be submitted to the GCF for funding.
However, the implementation of this first readiness grant highlighted a number of additional needs in terms of capacity for projects’ development, large scale communication at national level, effective involvement of national entities in the GCF accreditation process and the private sector mobilization. These needs were mentioned by the different stakeholders and high-level authorities during the consultations carried out with the first readiness grant, justifying the development of this new readiness proposal.