Towards a Climate Resilient Agriculture and livelihoods in Southern Tunisia

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Towards a Climate Resilient Agriculture and livelihoods in Southern Tunisia

Southern Tunisia is highly vulnerable to climate changes (CC) whose impacts are exacerbated by socio-economic difficulties and overexploitation of natural resources. Local Agriculture, based on oasis, olive production and rangelands, is essential for populations and contributes to tackle desertification, poverty and rural migration. However, Agricultural production is already affected by CC impacts such as unpredictable floods and droughts, erratic rainfall and rising temperatures which leads to deterioration of ecosystem’s resources and services. Adaptation to these new CC challenges is essential to secure the livelihoods for the most vulnerable southern farmers community. The project therefore aims at building the resilience of smallholder farmers and ecosystems to current.

Cover date 21 August 2019
Document type Concept note