Supporting the Creation of “REDD+ Catalytic Fund” pipeline of projects (Multiple countries)

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Supporting the Creation of “REDD+ Catalytic Fund” pipeline of projects (Multiple countries)

Even though forests represent 30% of earth’s land, it will only take 100 years or less to witness their disappearance. A major consequence is the emission of heat-trapping carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere. There seems to be a general understanding that tackling this issue is a prerequisite for any effective response to climate change. At present, the major part of funding mobilized is public and insufficient to cover market needs.

This project aims to contribute to support the creation of a REDD+ Catalytic Fund, initiated by the Coalition for Rainforest Nations (CfRN), with a special Focus on Central African countries, where public and private institutions will invest in actions that aim to slow, stop or reverse the loss of forests, in accordance with global agreed decisions regarding the environment and climate change. The project will:

  • Set-up an integrated project pipeline based on a bottom-up process;
  • Based on NDCs projects, identify the key criteria that will drive the funding strategy of the REDD+ Catalytic Fund (R+CF) to comply with the UNFCCC, GCF, and Congo Basin objectives;
  • Design a procedure guidebook to apply to the R+CF funding.

The main objective of this project is to build a pipeline of bankable REDD+ projects which does not exist at the time being. This is a top priority for countries to mobilize the financial community to invest in a financial vehicle or to directly finance REDD+ projects.

Cover date 20 November 2020
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale
Central African Republic (the)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (the)
Equatorial Guinea