Support to Direct Access Entity in Cambodia to meet accreditation conditions

Support to Direct Access Entity in Cambodia to meet accreditation conditions
National Committee for Sub-National Democratic Development (NCDD) is the first Direct Access Entity (DAE) accredited for Cambodia (in 2019), with an essential role to channel climate change grants to sub-national level (provinces, districts and communes). The capacity analysis done during the accreditation process has highlighted some remaining gaps and the accreditation is conditional on addressing these remaining gaps. NCDDS has allocated some of its own resources and is also receiving support from some development partners (United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), World Bank) on specific issues. GCF readiness support is being requested to address the remaining capacity gaps and conditions not covered by other sources of support. The overall strategy of the proposal is focused on (i) addressing some key remaining conditions required under the conditional accreditation of NCDDS as a direct access entity; (ii) developing NCDDS staff capacity to implement the new policies and procedures and (iii) developing an initial pipeline of project proposals for NCDDS. It is organized around two GCF readiness outcomes, namely outcome 1.3 (focusing on capacity of direct access entities) and 4.3 (focusing on increasing number and quality of concept notes from LDCs/SIDs). GCF readiness support will help NCDDS to meet accreditation conditions and fully perform its role as DAE and to produce a high quality pipeline for GCF. The main beneficiaries of the project will be NCDDS staff, with indirect benefits for entities wishing to partner with NCDDS for implementation of climate change projects at the sub-national level.