Strengthening sectoral expertise and strategic framework to support the implementation of Climate Appropriate Portfolios of Tree Diversity (CAPTD) for productive and resilient landscapes and livelihoods in AFOLU across Burkina Faso (acronym R-CAPTD )

Document cover for Strengthening sectoral expertise and strategic framework to support the implementation of Climate Appropriate Portfolios of Tree Diversity (CAPTD) for productive and resilient landscapes and livelihoods in AFOLU across Burkina Faso (acronym R-CAPTD )
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Strengthening sectoral expertise and strategic framework to support the implementation of Climate Appropriate Portfolios of Tree Diversity (CAPTD) for productive and resilient landscapes and livelihoods in AFOLU across Burkina Faso (acronym R-CAPTD )

The specific readiness challenge is to build sectoral expertise, strategic framework, programme pipeline, knowhow and partnerships to implement climate appropriate portfolios of tree diversity (CAPTD) by 2023 as part of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) targets by 2030, as well as associated targets of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2, 13 and 15.

The CAPTD approach targets reclamation of degraded lands as well as sustainable management of agricultural and forest landscapes.

These targets include the restoration and development of more than 5 million hectares of degraded land (corresponding to 55% of the current total area of degraded land in the country) and the prevention of degradation of non-degraded land by 2030. These restoration objectives are in line with the option of strengthening its resilience through the implementation of actions with an estimated GHG emission reduction potential of 33072.72 Gg CO2eq or 30.76% compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU).

Cover date 26 March 2023
Document type Approved readiness proposal
World Agroforestry Centre
Burkina Faso