Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Family Farms to Climate Change in the Fourth Agricultural Development Pole in Benin

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Strengthening the Resilience of Vulnerable Family Farms to Climate Change in the Fourth Agricultural Development Pole in Benin

Benin is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The effects of the global warming are already perceptive across the country in terms of temperature increase, rainfall decrease and in several areas and poor rainfall distribution at national level, the shortening of the rainy season duration, as well as more recurrent and severe drought periods. The proposed project aims at supporting adaptation actions in the agricultural sector in the fourth agricultural development pole (PDA4) of Benin. The project is structured into three main components: i) large-scale promotion of alternative and climate-resilient agricultural technologies, ii) implementation of sustainable yam-based farming system as alternative for slash-and-burn shifting yam cropping , and iii) mainstreaming climate change adaptation in the national agricultural extension and monitoring & evaluation systems

Cover date 04 March 2020
Document type Concept note
Fonds National pour L’Environnement