Strengthening Pakistan's Capacities for DemoNstrating REDD+ Systems and Accessing Result-based Payments

Document cover for Strengthening Pakistan's Capacities for DemoNstrating REDD+ Systems and Accessing Result-based Payments
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Strengthening Pakistan's Capacities for DemoNstrating REDD+ Systems and Accessing Result-based Payments

The project qualifies under category ‘C', as the project interventions do not entail any social, environmental, economic or cultural risks. The project interventions under demonstration component mainly focus on enhancing mitigation, and non-carbon and biodiversity benefits at local level without any adverse direct or indirect social and environmental health risks. The project interventions will be localized in nature and will involve participatory and community based implementation of environmentally and socially acceptable interventions aimed at reducing pressures on forestry resources at the demonstration sites with potential to upscale and replicate at the adjacent landscapes based on lessons learnt from implementation.

Cover date 06 September 2019
Document type Concept note
National Rural Support Programme (Pakistan)