Strengthening of the National Designated Authorityin Yemen and Enabling Strategic Frameworks for Engagement with the Green Climate Fund.

Document cover for Strengthening  of  the National Designated Authorityin  Yemen  and Enabling Strategic Frameworks for Engagement with the Green Climate Fund.
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Strengthening of the National Designated Authorityin Yemen and Enabling Strategic Frameworks for Engagement with the Green Climate Fund.

This proposal aims to contribute to strengthening the NDA office via i.a. targeted capacity building and setting-up the No-Objection Procedure and Guidelines (outcome 1), support the development of the first draft country programme (outcome 2), and support the development of one GCF Concept Note and related pre-feasibility study (outcome 4). Outcome 2 and 4 will be supported by the CC adaptation and mitigation profiling exercise and the gender assessment, of which both will be executed under outcome 2. This proposal and its activities are complementary to Yemen’s national CC policies and strategies and will support the implementation of Yemen’s NAPA, NCs and NDCs. This Readiness proposal will build the foundation for the NDA office to become fully effective and for Yemen to finalize its Country Work Programme. 

Cover date 19 August 2021
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations