Strengthening of climate change finance planning processes to enable implementation, monitoring and reporting of climate actions in Suriname

Document cover for Strengthening of climate change finance planning processes to enable implementation, monitoring and reporting of climate actions in Suriname
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Strengthening of climate change finance planning processes to enable implementation, monitoring and reporting of climate actions in Suriname

Suriname is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The country’s small population, major economic activities, and infrastructure are concentrated along the low-lying, heavily urbanized coastal zone. The country has already experienced extensive coastal erosion, and has suffered damages from heavy rainfall, flooding, higher temperatures during dry seasons, and high winds.

The proposal will assist the Government of Suriname in; 1) Enhance the implementation of climate change actions as articulated in its policy framework which includes its enhanced NDC 2020-2030, NAP 2019-2029, the Policy Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2021, National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan for Suriname (NCCPSAP) (2015-2021), and REDD+ National Strategy (2019) 2) Increase the access and technical knowledge on climate related finance.

This proposal aims to address the following Readiness challenges and gaps:

  • Coordinating climate actions: Suriname lacks a national coordination mechanism on climate finance
  • Accessing climate finance resources: Insufficient technical capacity at the level of the NDA as well as key ministries such as the Ministry of Land and Forest Management, and the Institute for Environment in Suriname (to be transitioned to the National Environment Authority) to coordinate and implement on addressing climate change impacts in relation to gender. as well as lack of institutional capacity, data and information on GHG emissions, climate change impacts and climate finance (including sex disaggregated data and its analysis with a gender approach) to be able to guide policy actions on climate change
  • Engaging key stakeholders: The inclusion and participation of key stakeholders in the climate change and climate finance policies is incoherent and there lacks a clear communication strategy.
Cover date 11 February 2022
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations