Strengthening of Argentina’s NDA and development of National Country Programme

Document cover for Strengthening of Argentina’s NDA and development of National Country Programme
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Strengthening of Argentina’s NDA and development of National Country Programme

While Argentina’s institutional framework to support climate change mitigation and adaptation is strong, to achieve its ambitious NDCs and to cross over towards a resilient and low-emissions economic development, Argentina needs access to financial mechanisms that will help the country accomplish the common objectives of implementing the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement. However, capacity and resources to access such financing in a coordinated and integral matter remains low. Additionally, there are some concrete limitations such as insufficient trained personnel and equipment, lack of formal procedures to plan and take decisions on projects prioritization in a comprehensive, standardized, and multi-stakeholder consulted way. 

The present proposal is intended to strengthen the National Designated Authority (NDA) in Argentina and other relevant stakeholder’s capacity in order to enable them to fulfil their roles, responsibilities and functions and to establish a proper engagement with GCF. 

Cover date 13 November 2020
Document type Approved readiness proposal
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations