Strengthen climate resilience in Mozambique: Sustainable access to solar drinking water in the rural provinces of Gaza, Inhambane and Maputo

Strengthen climate resilience in Mozambique: Sustainable access to solar drinking water in the rural provinces of Gaza, Inhambane and Maputo
1. Based on strong partnerships between Enabel and its Mozambique partner and on the lessons learnt from the implementation of the Belgian-funded project “Water Supply and Management to Contribute to Food Security in Gaza Province, Mozambique (2015-2019) - Water Gaza”, Enabel has started discussions with the DNA, DNAAS and MOPHRH to develop a wider, more ambitious and cross-cutting new project, up-scaling from the positive experiences of the “Water Gaza” project in the areas of technical innovation, partnerships and empowerment at district level and private sector involvement.
2. This project takes into account an innovative systemic approach that demonstrates how Mozambique and its population is adapting to provide drinking water to a population heavily affected by climate change (water scarcity and decreased quality, multiplication of hazards events: droughts, floods and cyclones). The present project aims at securing access to water through innovative and sustainable solutions adapted to local context and based on renewable energy.
3. Although the project focuses on adaptation in the water sector, the technical solutions proposed aiming at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the project jointly combines adaptation and mitigation measures.
4. Above the technical component of the project, capacity development is forecast with a view for a holistic and long-term perspective that addresses the challenges of climate change adaptation and fight against poverty and women's empowerment/emancipation. Activities will focus on promotion of climate resilient income generating activities (with the creation of saving groups and related trainings).
5. The project approach is fully integrated in the PRONASAR strategy 2019 [1](under the bilateral funding modality) and replies to the priorities of the National Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy of Mozambique (2013 to 2025).
6. The project will be implemented in partnership with the DNAAS and MOPHRH. Technical aspects and local management will be implemented in close collaboration with the Water and Sanitation Department (DAS) and with the District Planning and Infrastructure Services (SDPI).
[1] National Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program. It has been revised in 2019 to take into account the objectives of sustainable development, as well as the lessons learned from the implementation of the previous program and recent developments (economic, social and political) in Mozambique. It covers the period 2019 to 2030.