Strategic frameworks support for Grenada through the Ministry of Health and Environment of Antigua and Barbuda

Strategic frameworks support for Grenada through the Ministry of Health and Environment of Antigua and Barbuda
Grenada is aiming to develop a climate smart country based on its Climate Smart Cities approach and is seeking funding support from the Green Climate Fund (GCF). With this objective in mind and with the assistance of GIZ, Grenada conducted a gap assessment comparing various institutions that could become Direct Access Entities for the GCF. On this basis, Grenada decided to put forward the Grenada Development Bank (GDB) as the first entity to access direct funding from the GCF and build the capacity of its Ministry of Finance via the first readiness application for Grenada. This application follows the completion of Grenada’s first GCF Readiness Programme that was implemented by GIZ. Further to Grenada’s first readiness and with the approval of the Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) Project with Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica and also Grenada, the country has decided to put forward the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Climate Resilience for direct access as a future EDA entity.