Strategic frameworks support for Barbados through the Ministry of Environment and National Beautification

Document cover for Strategic frameworks support for Barbados through the Ministry of Environment and National Beautification
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Strategic frameworks support for Barbados through the Ministry of Environment and National Beautification

Barbados has one approved readiness and preparatory support program with the Green Climate Fund. This readiness support will assist the NDA in building the capacity needed to handle large cross sectoral projects involving multiple stakeholders, implementing entities and interest groups. The development of a Country Programme will assist in aligning the national GCF approach with existing national policies/programmes. The Country Programme will provide clear guidelines in project selection and ensure that all projects are linked to the national green economy priorities and Barbados’ NDC. The Country Programme will create buy-in and ownership among all stakeholders, facilitating effective implementation. It will also assist in operationalizing the NDC and obtaining financing for national projects or programmes. The readiness support will also assist in identifying and exploring synergies with ongoing initiatives which can be scaled up.

Cover date 29 December 2019
Document type Approved readiness proposal